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Switch off and support Earth Hour

Residents across the Island are being encouraged to turn off their electricity for an hour to celebrate Earth Day.Yesterday, Government and Greenrock announced this year’s Earth Hour, on March 26, would be the third Bermuda has participated in.Minister for the Environment Walter Roban said Government’s Green Paper on Energy revealed that Bermuda has the 15th highest carbon dioxide emission in the world per capita. Bermuda’s 11-ton emission is equivalent to the weight of seven Volkswagen Beetles.“This fact alone should be a wake-up call to us all,” he said. “We need to change our consumption habits.“Our wish, and indeed our challenge, is to increase the level of commitment to Earth Hour within our local community“So, on Saturday, March 26 we wish to invite all of Bermuda’s residents to participate in this global event and turn off all non-essential electric powered items at home for one hour starting at 8.30pm, and to do the same at work and school before leaving for the weekend.”Mr Roban said environmentalists would be visiting schools to spread the message.He added: “All of us need to know the importance of the unsustainable path Bermuda is on with our current energy consumption pattern.“We need to protect our natural scenic environment, which is a major attraction of tourists that visit our shores. “Andrew Vaucrosson, Greenrock president, said the charity was hoping people would choose to go beyond the hour.“Put simply, ‘beyond the hour’ challenges you to think about what else will you do as an individual, as a business, as an organization, as a government to change your day-to-day actions once the lights are turned back on after one hour on March 26,” he said.Some of the ways people can help conserve energy and help the environment are by giving up meat twice a week, using renewable energy, installing a solar panel, taking the ferry to work or using a bicycle.Mr Vaucrosson added: “Greenrock also encourages individuals to join us at our free public gathering taking place at the City Hall front steps and foyer from 7 to 10 pm. There will be food vendors, school choirs, Belco’s essay competition displays and other entertainment for everyone to enjoy.”

Greenrock’s Andrew Vaucrosson speaks during a press conference yesterday at A B Place in Hamilton to announce Earth Hour.