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Pimental pick of Bermuda quartet

Bermuda sailors Campbell Duffy, Cameron Pimentel, Jason Saints, and Ryan Saraiva all returned home with their heads held high after competing in the 2010 Laser North American Championship, for Standard, Radial and 4.7 rigs.

Hosted by the Texas Corinthian Yacht Club in Kemah, Texas, last week, the sailors raced in the sweltering heat on Galveston Bay against 178 other contestants.

Racing in the 96 strong Radial division, the race committee did a good job in squeezing in as many races as possible after the first day was lost to calm.

Pimentel was the pick of the local sailors after the ten races were completed, finishing third on 40 points, Saints was 18th on 124 points, Saraiva 21st on 130 points, and Duffy 34th on 171 points.

The fleet of 96 boats was split into gold and silver fleets after four races were scored, with all four Bermudians were successful in advancing to the gold fleet.

The competition was a good warm-up for the Men's Radial World Championships where Weber will be coaching Pimentel, Saraiva and Duffy in Scotland next week. Saints will be traveling with Coach Pablo Weber to the ISAF Youth worlds in Turkey where he will be competing in the Laser Radial.

n Sam Stan remains in fifth place after day two of races in the IODA North American Championships currently being held in Kingston, Ontario.

Stan placed ninth in the first race of the day, 13th in the second and fifth in the third and final race of the day of racing.

The lowest placing of the six races completed gets dropped from the total scoring, meaning Stan remains in fifth on 30 points, dropping the 13th place finish from the overall score.

Bermuda's Ferdinand Arnold, Antonio Bailey, Michael Barit, Rory Caslin, Hannah Horsfield, Makai Joel, Sam Stan, Ceci Wollman, Ellie Wollman and Mikey Wollman are also competing in the competition, but had a tougher go of things than Stan.

Barit (113), Joell (130th), Arnold (157th), Bailey (111th), Caslin (152th), Horsfield (175th), Mikey Wollman (182th), Ceci Wollman (123rd) and Ellie Wollman (115th) all put in good efforts in the tough wind conditions.

Yesterday was a team race day, with the local squad looking to put in two teams for the event.