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Butler honours educators with legacy awards

Warwick North-East MP, Dale Butler was at his magnanimous best a week ago, spearheading the annual Legacy Lecture, memorialising deceased stewards the late Sen. Charles Bean, educator Dr. Yvonne Blackett, her brother PLP founder Wilfred (Mose) Allen; and Dr. E.F. Gordon, founder of the organised labour movement in Bermuda.

Topic of this year's lecture was "Practical Strategies for Academic Success".

Four top educators gave eloquent, thought-provoking insights in their presentations.

The keynoters were Dr. Gina M. Tucker, former principal of Victor Scott School, who is currently Policy and Programme Officer at the Department of Education; Dr. Lou Matthews; who has been actively involved in educational excellence and reform in the US and Bermuda fo the past 15 years.

Also Mr. Trace White, a candidate for a PhD in leadership, and Mrs. Shawnette Somner who owns and operates the Star Academy Home School, Warwick.

She was educated at Gilbert Institute, Warwick Academy, Carolina A & T State University and Miami University Mrs. Somner has a BSc and MEd in Leadership; and is publisher of her third book, "reality".

Despite the stormy weather, there was a big appreciative audience, including family members of the deceased stalwarts. The lectures were preceded with a hour-long book sale, with several authors displaying their works.