Personal staff costs tabled in the House
The Premier today released details of costs for Government and Opposition personal staff for the last financial year.
The top earner was Owen Darrell, David Burt’s Chief of Staff, on $127,619 a year in 2019-20.
Mr Burt’s other expenses included a housekeeper/cook at $35 an hour and child care assistance at $25 an hour.
Dana Selassie, a special adviser to the Premier, earned $110,577 a year, but resigned from the post in March.
The Leader of the Opposition had an administrative assistant 25 hours a week at $841 a week.
Corey Butterfield, a political adviser and communications consultant to the then-Minister without Portfolio Jamahl Simmons, who left the Cabinet in June, earned $120,000 a year.
Alexa Lightbourne, the political adviser to the home affairs minister, earned $106,800 a year, as did Davida Morris, who performed the same role for Diallo Rabain.
Juanae Scott, the political aide to the national security minister, earns $86,338 a year.
Dawn Simmons, the administrative assistant to the Ageing Well Committee, was paid $62,810 a year.
The figures were tabled in the House of Assembly after an addition to the provisions of the Premier, Ministers and Opposition Leader Personal Staffs Act 2019 to “promote greater openness and understanding of the work done and the value added to the workings of government”.
Mr Burt said: “The women and men who enter public service under the provisions of this Act work exceptionally long hours and provide invaluable support to the office of the Premier, ministers and the Leader of the Opposition.”