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Award cultivates cheer at Elliott

Elliott Primary 2 Teacher Makese Gilbert was all smiles on Monday as she and her students were presented with a Principal's Award for the mini-garden which they are cultivating. So far they have grown green peppers, basil, strawberries and an array of flowers. And, Ms Gilbert added, their pineapples are expected to bloom next year.

Aware of the importance of continuing the life cycle of monarch butterflies, the class is also growing milkweed plants which are vital to the butterflies' existence.

Two of Ms Gilbert's students, Dimitrius Richardson and Kallen Dublin, both aged six, recently planted sugar apples. Although he has never eaten one before, Dimitrius says he will, once his fruit harvests.

"I am so excited. I can't wait to try it!" he said.

School principal Cathy Bassett said the garden will serve several purposes.

"Soon the students will be keeping a journal where they will be able to record their plants' growth," she said. "They will also be integrating their garden work in their math classes, reading stories about plants along with studying metamorphosis and all aspects of science."