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St. George's Prep chips in to Buy Back Bermuda

Former Premier David Saul meets youngsters at St. George's Preparatory School who are backing his Buy Back Bermuda campaign.

Youngsters are aiming to raise thousands of dollars to save two open green spaces from development after adopting the Buy Back Bermuda scheme as their school project.

Former Premier David Saul visited students at St. George's Preparatory School last week to tell them about the campaign to preserve two parcels of land on opposite sides of the Island.

Buy Back Bermuda (BBB) — a collaboration between Bermuda National Trust and the Audubon Society — needs to raise $2.5 million to buy Eve's Pond in Hamilton Parish and Evans Bay Pond in Southampton. The owners of both sites have agreed to sell to BBB rather than a developer so they can be saved in perpetuity.

Dr. Saul, who is spearheading the fundraising bid, told the students he would give $100 to their effort if any of their parents knew where to find Skroggins Hill, where Evans Bay Pond is situated.

"I don't believe your mother or father will know where Skroggins Hill is," he said, to laughter from the children.

He told The Royal Gazette that the public primary school's decision to adopt the campaign for the next six months had come as a welcome surprise.

"The properties are not in St. George's but their teacher called me and said they were taking it on as a school project to raise money.

"I was thrilled. I'm going to talk to the PTA next week. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if one or two other schools do the same thing."

Principal Mary Lodge said social studies and science teacher Marina Rescendes had spotted a newspaper article on BBB and told her students about it. "The children decided that would be something they wanted to do," she said.

"We are going to do it for six months and every class will take a turn at fundraising. I would be surprised if we don't manage to raise a couple of thousand dollars."

* To help the school's fundraising bid call 297-0370. To make a donation directly to BBB and have your name appear on a plaque send a cheque made payable to Buy Back Bermuda to PO Box HM 61, Hamilton HM AX, call 236-6483 or email mansae@bnt.bm.