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Island's civil servants agree to a 1.5% pay rise

Civil servants have agreed to a 1.5 percent pay rise.Members of the Bermuda Public Services Union yesterday met to consider Government's final salary offer for 2009-10.BPSU representatives did not wish to comment on the meeting last night. The results of the ratification meeting will now be reported back to Government. Earlier this month BPSU president Armell Thomas criticised Government for increasing payroll tax by two percent, claiming it will be difficult on workers.

Civil servants have agreed to a 1.5 percent pay rise.

Members of the Bermuda Public Services Union yesterday met to consider Government's final salary offer for 2009-10.

BPSU representatives did not wish to comment on the meeting last night. The results of the ratification meeting will now be reported back to Government. Earlier this month BPSU president Armell Thomas criticised Government for increasing payroll tax by two percent, claiming it will be difficult on workers.

He also criticised Government's expenditure on consultants. "The BPSU finds it hard to swallow the two percent payroll tax increase proposed in the 2010/2011 Budget which would be quite hard on workers, i.e. an increase from 4.75 percent to 5.755 percent.

"The Union is an advocate for saving jobs, promoting jobs and it is concerned that employers will be discouraged and forced to close business because of the added tax," he said.