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Four staff overpaid last year, one by $14,000

The Ministry of Education has conceded that four members of its staff were mistakenly overpaid last year - one by as much as $14,000.

Education Permanent Secretary Michelle Khaldun said yesterday the overpayments were the result of “human error” and steps have been taken to rectify the situation. However, it emerged last night that the four civil servants will contest the Ministry's demand that the money be repaid with the assistance of the Bermuda Public Services Union.

Speaking to The Royal Gazette last night, BPSU president Ed Ball said he had not yet been properly informed of the situation, but would be starting an active investigation of the circumstances first thing today.

The Collective Bargaining Agreement between Government and the BPSU stipulates that salaries are to be based on a 260-day working year.

The four in question, however, reportedly work only 200 days annually but were paid a full salary. The error was brought to the attention of the Ministry by the Accountant General and three of those affected were informed in September that a repayment plan had to be pursued. “Thanks to the Accountant General's Office, the error was brought to our attention and we were able to begin the process of taking corrective action,” Ms Khaldun said.

The Ministry's finance unit has scheduled meetings with the four employees to thrash out an agreement. Which individual or department was responsible for the blunder was not made clear last night, nor what exact steps are to be taken to ensure it never happens again.