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All aboard the Love Boat . . .

Educator LaMonde Woods was back in class at the Berkeley Institute after a month-long honeymoon in the Caribbean and Canada with his bride, the former Nicole Smith of Scaur Hill, Somerset.

They were married on August 5, aboard the liner Freedom of the Seas, in the presence of scores of relatives and friends who journeyed to Miami for the nuptial.

Nicole is the daughter of Sheldon Smith and Joan Robinson of Scaur Lane, Somerset. She is a second-year accounting student at Northampton College, Pennsylvania.

She was born in New York, grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and spent her summers in Bermuda visiting her grandmother, the late Ardelle (Della) Place of Somerset. Her father Sheldon is a pilot with Bermuda Air Ambulance Service.

Our pictures taken aboard the liner Freedom of the Seas in Miami show Nicole close up and with husband Lamone Woods, flanked by some of the family and friends who travelled from near and far to attend the wedding. Children sitting in front are, from left, Lenay Place, Haley Place, Tamia Place, Nazari Woods, Kezha Beek. Next row, left, are Sheldon Smith, Jr., Nadine Smith, mother of bride Joan Robinson; the newlyweds; the groom's mother Sameehah Al-Amin and sister Kamala Al-Amin; and groom's brother Najee Woods. Standing in next row, from left , are the bride's aunt, former beauty queen Cheryl Smith Holmes, who was crowned Miss Bermuda in 1967. Cheryl, who lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, a retired US Air Force officer, is with her brother, Sheldon Smith, the bride's father; partially obscured is Robert Lee and next are Mrs. Marjorie Wilson with husband Peter Wilson; Stuart and Annette Simmons; Nathalie Morris, Mabel Smith, Nicola Woods; Willie Holmes, Cheryl's husband and Agnes Edwards. In the back row are Bryce Place and wife Carleen; Patrick Clark and wife Marlyn; Sabrina Gonzales, Gregory Khan; Delrose Beek and husband Norman Beek.