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Kyme to succeed

Nick Kyme

Bermuda?s best-ever squash player Nick Kyme has begun the new year with one aim in mind ? to reach the giddy heights of the world?s top 50.

The 25-year old world number 74 jetted out yesterday for a three-week tour of North America where he will play in four tour events, beginning in Vancouver and ending in the frozen reaches of Winnipeg.

Kyme admitted yesterday that 2006 is not far off a make or break year for him, as he labours to make a tangible success of his time in the professional game.

He begins the year with no injury worries to speak of and his fitness levels bolstered by an arduous round-the-clock training regime ? maintained despite the distractions of the holidays.

?I feel in pretty good shape at the moment, light on my feet and strong,? he said.

?I suppose it is just a matter of putting all the hard work to good effect. I managed to discipline myself over Christmas and didn?t overindulge so I feel like I?ve hit the new year running.

?This is a big year for me ? particularly with the Commonwealth Games coming up ? and I want to make sure I do myself justice.?

Kyme is set to defend his National Championship crown when he returns in early February, with the winner of that tournament to receive a wildcard into the second biggest event in world squash ? April?s Bermuda Masters.

In front of a wild partisan crowd last year, Kyme lost in straight games to world number one Thierry Lincou ? but not before almost sensationally nicking the third against a somewhat subdued Frenchman.