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League, according to their score average, are invited to attend the league

Division leaders were as follows: Dave Purcell (2.75 over par), Leroy Burch (4.5), Bill Pitt jr. (4.75), Derrick Douglas (5.25), Eldon Raynor (6.25), Brendan Ingham (6.5), David James jr.

(6.5), Dennis Lowe (6.75), Malcolm Burgess (7), Ron McRonald (7).

The B Division: Hav Trott (3.33), Winston Trott (4), Judithanne Outerbridge (6.33), Roger Harvey (6.66), Michael Sousa (6.66), Sean Belton (8), Dave Braddock (8), Bill Wotton (9), David Pickering (9.33), Kenneth Bean (9.66), Denton Outerbridge (9.66), Quinton Sherlock sr. (9.66), Kavon Trott (9.66).

Presentations will take place at the conclusion of Saturday's Amstel strokeplay tournament.

VOLLEYBALL VOL Bermuda Volleyball Association's Corona four-a-side Open Tournament will be played at Horseshoe Beach on Saturday, August 12.

The tournament will have 10 teams in the A Division and 15 teams in the B Division. The rain date is the following Saturday, August 19.

Teams can register at The Pro Shop, Foot Locker, International Sports Shop and Sports 'R Us, with a fee of $100. Each team must consist of two men and two women with a maximum of six players.

TENNIS TEN Coral Beach and Tennis Club will host their annual Junior Club Championship from July 30 to August 5.

The members-only tournament will include boys and girls under-10 singles, 12 and under singles, 15 and under singles and doubles and 18 and under singles and doubles.

Entries close on Thursday, July 27.

SOCCER SOC North Village Community Club will hold a meeting for all senior soccer players and coaches at the club this evening, starting at 7.00.