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Golden girl Flora leads the way

Golden girl Flora Duffy bagged two gold medals at the Elite Caribbean Cycling Championships as she and Nicole Mitchell led the way in Guadeloupe.

Duffy won Saturday's time trial, and yesterday's road race, while Mitchell finished third in both events as the pair picked up Bermuda's only medals of the weekend.

In contrast the men struggled to make an impact, with Shannon Lawrence's sixth place finish in Saturday's time trial, and Geri Mewett's place in the top 20 of the road race the only notable successes.

The four podium finishes continue Bermuda's impressive medal haul at the event, where the Island has now won 14 of 38 medals on offer since the first championships were held in Aruba in 2001.

Yesterday's road races were contested on a very tough and technical course which included several descents on rough roads and a series of five rolling hills into a headwind.

In the women's race the peloton stayed together for the majority of the distance, before Duffy made a strong break as the race entered the host village and held on to finish three seconds ahead of Sylviane Theophile of Guadeloupe, with Mitchell another three seconds back.

The men's race was seven laps of the same 17 kilometre course with 60 competitors from 17 countries, and the Bermuda team, consisting of Mewett, Mark Hatherley, Adam Harbutt, Darren Glasford and Lawrence, was beset by problems from the start.

Harbutt suffered a race-ending mechanical problem on the second lap, while Lawrence crashed on the third lap and Glasford got a flat a lap later.

By this time the peloton was driving the pace and with three laps to go the speed took its toll on Hatherley, who dropped back to eventually finish alongside Lawrence and Glasford.

That left Mewett, Bermuda's most experienced rider and team leader, working to keep the remaining riders interested in chasing a sole rider from Guadeloupe who had made a heroic solo breakaway on the second lap.

On the final lap an effort by two others from the host country allowed Guadeloupe to capture the top three places in the race with Mewett finishing with the shattered peloton in the top 20.