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College careers fair sets out the road to actuarial success

Valuable tips: Cherie Simons a Senior Actuarial Analyst at Flagstone Re, talks at the Bermuda College Downtown Recruit career fair, about careers in actuarial science

Future financial geniuses and number crunchers were given a taste of what it takes to be an actuary at the latest careers fair held by Bermuda College yesterday.

The second Bermuda College Downtown Recruit session, which was entitled 'Making Sense of Numbers: Programmes That Crunch Numbers Into $$$' and held at the Chamber of Commerce, saw Cherie Simons, a senior actuarial analyst for Flagstone Re, talk about her experiences of becoming qualified in her profession and getting to where she is today.

The 26-year-old Bermudian, who has already completed six of nine actuarial exams and plans to complete the seventh exam soon, explained the role of an actuary and described some of the functions required day-to-day in the field.

She also spoke on the courses to take to get into her chosen career path and the healthy remuneration that actuaries receive, including a Bermudian who made about $25 million in 11 months as an actuary.

"You will definitely be compensated fairly quickly if you choose this career," she said.

Ms Simons said the Actuarial Science Associates programme offered at the College was a good foundation for those interested in the field and talked about the value of taking advantage of what the course offers in preparation for the exams that follow.

Next up, Necheeka Trott, chair of the Liberal Arts Division at Bermuda College, spoke about the Associates in Actuarial Science programme in detail and encouraged those interested to book an appointment with her.

Six attendees were in the audience and they fired questions at Ms Simons and Ms Trott, who were on hand to offer advice and tips.

The next BC Downtown Recruit Information session is entitled 'Community Careers' and will be held next Monday at Chamber of Commerce. Bermuda College programmes in Education, Child and Youth Studies, Human Services, Nursing and Legal Studies will be featured.

Meanwhile Dr. Ameenah Ahad of External Programmes will share information about the Bachelors programmes through Kent Law and Mount Saint Vincent University. The session is free of charge.

Individuals interested in the Certificate in Accounting Assistants, Associates in Actuarial Science, the CFA or CMA designations or who want to find out more about the BC Downtown Recruit sessions can contact Cha'Von Clarke, recruitment officer at Bermuda College, on 239-4099 or e-mail cclarke@college.bm