A ‘true Christian’ perspective on gay rights
The Question Of Gay Rights. A True Christian Perspective.My purpose in writing this article is to examine what I consider the true Christian response to the question of Gay rights. Many Christians are inconsistent in dealing with the issue.For example it is easy for a Christian to answer the following questions: Does the Bible support homosexuality, gay marriage, Adultery, fornication/sex before marriage and religious freedom? The answer is a resounding no!But how do the constitutions and human rights laws of so-called free societies respond to the same questions? Both promote religious liberty and other rights and freedoms explicitly and implicitly. We boast about living in a pluralistic society, yet many Christians teach that moral issues must not only be determined by the Bible but also imposed on the rest of society which contradicts the concept of pluralism.Homosexuality or sexual orientation or sexual preference is permitted, not condemned or punished, fornication or sex before marriage is permitted, not condemned or punished, nor is adultery punished. We Christians silently go along with these things without raising our voices even though these things are not promoted by the Bible. We accommodate the immoral and unscriptural freedoms and behaviour by our silence rather than condemn them in the strongest possible terms. Remember John the Baptist told Herod it was not lawful for him to have his brother’s wife.Fornicators, adulterers and Non-Christian religious groups like the Hindu, Muslim etc. are not marching for their rights but the gays are fighting for their right to marry because they do not agree with Christian teaching and our definition of marriage. There is something wrong with this because they do not enjoy the same rights and privileges as others who are just as guilty of violating the moral laws of the scriptures.A man guilty of adultery can continue in that sin without losing his civil rights and without being criticised by the general public in the so-called free society in which we live. But a President who gives to homosexuals the same civil rights extended to all the other sinners is considered as morally out of step but this applies to any president who supports the constitution and human rights which permits other immoral things which the bible condemns.At the end of the day, non-Christians will not inherit the kingdom of God but they shall have their part in the lake of fire. In fact, being gay is itself a judgment from God according to Romans 1:24-28. This is real proof that the wrath of God is operating in the world because God has given them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves ... For this cause, God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.Christians who disagree with each other on fundamental Christian doctrine join forces with each other and will hold hands with non-Christians etc when there is common cause or a common objective in dealing with social problems especially things they wish to ban. They will join hands with the powers that be in order to impose their will on the rest of society.We all know the Bible definition of marriage and that is the only definition I agree with but in our so-called free society do I have the right according to your constitution or my country’s constitution to impose Christian principles on the non-Christian segment of our so-called free society? We Christians ought not to conform to this world and neither should we try to get the world to conform to us until there has been a transforming and saving experience by faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Remember we are in the world and not of it. We are salt and light. But we may be losing our savor and have become good for nothing because the constitution and certain things that are accepted in our society clash with the Bible. We do not complain about these things because some of us are willing to tolerate some immoral practices which are considered to be not as bad as homosexuality even though the Bible condemns them in the strongest possible terms. As a result we are guilty by association. We have been effectively neutralised because we are acting no different from non-Christians who are disturbed by some moral issues and not others.The world has no absolute standards. what is wrong today may be right tomorrow and so on. What is wrong today according to the Bible will still be wrong tomorrow for the Christian. This is why I cannot understand how Christians can be involved in politics in the first place, especially since the Bible states that no man that warreth entangleth himself in the affairs of this life that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.Furthermore we really cannot explain our position to a non-Christian because these things are spiritually discerned and the natural man simply cannot understand us. We must not force Christian principles on the non-Christian segment of society. One day you may be living in a Muslim country and you will learn firsthand by experience that your approach in our so-called free society is wrong. Remember the evil of the dark ages and remember who was in control. Are we not moving in the same direction when we seek to impose our wills on the non-Christian segment of society?The constitution is not the word of God and it is always better to obey God than man. Some things the constitution permits conflict with the Bible. The Bible teaches that we shall have no other gods before the God of the bible therefore we are not free to worship Baal. The constitution permits us to worship Baal. The first commandment is therefore violated by the constitution.The question is not whether or not gays are free to be gay but whether gays should enjoy the same rights as others who are equally guilty of violating the moral laws found in the Bible. Now I may appear to be fighting for gay rights, but I am really fighting for Christian consistency because we cannot have it both ways, raising our voices on some issues and quiet on others.Remember, we have the most powerful message in the entire world which can actually change lives through the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is the Christian responsibility to preach this message by lip and life. For us to exchange this message, which is the most effective weapon we have because it is not carnal but spiritual, for something which is absolutely impotent and useless when it comes to dealing with the real problem in society, is to be completely out of step with the Bible and causes more problems for society.To be occupied with banning gambling, certain drugs, certain behaviours, or putting a ban on what can be bought or sold on Sundays or in denying civil and constitutional rights to persons who do not follow the moral teaching of the Bible is to be out of step with the Bible.Do not forget the role played by Christians which resulted in Prohibition. There was a time in Bermuda when close to 80 percent of the people in the senior prison was drug-related. Now we are faced with a tremendous increase in gun crimes. Is this increase related to Prohibition? Does Prohibition make things better?I do not wish to be misunderstood. We Christians must condemn sin wherever it raises its ugly head in whatever form it shows itself. But we cannot use the arm of the state to enforce and impose Christian principles on the rest of the non-Christian society. Let us also keep in mind that the real problem in society is not our nurture but our nature. Only the Christian message can change the heart of mankind and bring about lasting results and when this happens society as a whole benefits.No laws or Government policies will ever accomplish such a transformation in the lives of those who are the non-Christians in our so-called free society with its constitution and its partial use of the Bible when it suits their case. Laws may restrain behaviour but they cannot change the heart. Only the Christian message can do that!http://geesmithdiscoveringchristianity.blogspot.com/