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Anniversary Club

Khyron Cann of Somerset who celebrates his tenth birthday today.Donyale Eckah Eversley of Smith?s Parish who celebrated her birthday yesterday.Twins Raeshun and Daeshun Robertson of Hamilton Parish who celebrates their 14th birthday today.Candace Smith of Devonshire Parish who celebrated her birthday yesterday.

Khyron Cann of Somerset who celebrates his tenth birthday today.

Donyale Eckah Eversley of Smith?s Parish who celebrated her birthday yesterday.

Twins Raeshun and Daeshun Robertson of Hamilton Parish who celebrates their 14th birthday today.

Candace Smith of Devonshire Parish who celebrated her birthday yesterday.

Krysten Smith of Devonshire Parish who celebrated her birthday yesterday.

Erin Krystle Van Putten of #5 Shore Hill Lane, Ferry Reach, St. George?s Parish who celebrates her 20th birthday today.