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Tourism hopes Robert?s good deed sparks interest in Island

Bermuda?s reputation for honesty has spread across the ?pond? and the Island?s tourism department in New York are using a recent article in to boost the Island as a tourist destination.

The article published earlier this month told the story of Tropicana steel pan musician Robert Symons who had found a credit card lying on the ground at Hamilton?s bus terminal.

Without a second thought he embarked on a private mission to find its owner and return it ? and succeeded.

It turned out the credit card belonged to North Carolina visitor Sandra Keefe, who had no idea she?d even lost the card until Mr. Symons called her at the St. George?s Club the following morning.

Mrs. Keefe told the newspaper that Bermudians should be proud of people like Mr. Symons.

?It?s not everyday, or in any other country, where you would find someone this honest,? she said. ?You should be proud!?

A very humble Mr. Symons, who has been volunteering his musical talent at the airport for some eight years, said he just wanted Mrs. Keefe to have a ?true Bermuda experience?.

The story was snatched up by Mary Ramsey from the New York offices of Bermuda Tourism, who was eager to speak to Mr. Symons and use the story in boosting the Islands? reputation in the US.