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Cooper twins: Elder brother arrested after nightclub stabbing

The grieving Cooper family has been plunged into further turmoil following the arrest of the murdered twins? elder brother in connection with the stabbing of a bouncer at The Beach bar on Front Street early on Thursday morning ? only hours before the emotionally charged funeral in St. George?s.

Rashaad Cooper, 22, was stopped in his car on Summit View Drive in Hamilton Parish at around 7 p.m the same day ? with Police delaying the arrest until after the ceremony as a mark of respect and to avoid any potential embarrassment.

When arrested, Cooper had a knife on him as well as a quantity of drugs ? while it was subsequently discovered that there were three outstanding warrants for his arrest on other matters.

Police revealed last night that the bouncer injured in the incident suffered only superficial injuries and was not willing to press charges.

However, it is understood the alleged stabbing was not the first altercation the 22-year old was involved in that night, with sources close to the affair revealing that he had earlier been involved in two violent spats at the Spinning Wheel and Swinging Doors nightclubs on Court Street.

Cooper?s 25-year old sister was also arrested on Thursday evening after allegedly swearing continually at Police officers when they refused access to her brother after his apprehension. She too had outstanding warrants for her arrest.

It is understood she was released from Hamilton Police Station last night and will be appearing in court to answer the charge in the near future.

And in a further twist, mother Rochelle Cooper revealed in an interview with ZBM News last night that the family has endured yet another loss, with the twins? father Daniel recently died suddenly in the United States.

With tears running down her cheeks, Mrs. Cooper insisted she would try ?to stay strong? during these incredibly difficult times, saying she is now focussing her energies on making sure ?justice is served?.