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Hiring row set to be arbitrated

The Bermuda Union of Teachers and the Ministry of Education reached an impasse when the Ministry ignored the BUT's call for a standardised test and personality profile to be removed from the application process for new deputy principal posts and other top posts in the reformed school system.

hiring practices.

The Bermuda Union of Teachers and the Ministry of Education reached an impasse when the Ministry ignored the BUT's call for a standardised test and personality profile to be removed from the application process for new deputy principal posts and other top posts in the reformed school system.

The union filed a grievance against Education Permanent Secretary Marion Robinson and Chief Education Officer Joseph Christopher on the grounds that they breached the terms and conditions of teachers' employment of the collective agreement.

The union also called for the matter to go to arbitration.

But the Ministry refused, contending that it followed proper procedures in advertising and filling the posts.

After having the matter tossed back and forth between the Labour Relations Office, the Public Service Commission, and the Education Department, Labour Relations Officer Glenn Fubler said yesterday that the impasse will be submitted to an arbitrator.

"This Arbitration has been set up with the cooperation of both parties who have agreed to having the Rev. Goodwin Smith resolve this matter,'' he said.

"The decision to place this matter before Arbitration comes as a result of due consideration and requisite discussions with the relevant authorities.

The arbitration will be held on November 19.