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Poetess Vernette's not a-verse to taking her show on the road . . .

AFTER more than three decades of thrilling poetry lovers from all walks of life, poetess Vernette Dorian has taken her one-person show on the road ? literally.

She began writing poetry at age nine and in 1976 her first poetry booklet, titled , was opublished in Bermuda by Dorian Darrell.

Ms Dorian has performed in many of the island's churches, prisons, rest homes as well as enjoying a stint with Streetfest and other engagements with Gina Spence-Farmer.

Normally a solo performer, Ms Dorian performed with the late Leon Edmead and his then-assistant Carol Clarke. She has also performed in a couple of schools and received favourable feedback from the students and teachers.

Among some of her memorable achievements was a year-long column that ran in the now-defunct from 1993-1994 called the. From January 2000to June 2001 she had a weekly 15-minute radio programme called on 1230 ZFB with Marlene B. Landy and Fred Hassell.

Before Concert in the Park became a household name, Ms Dorian performed a one-woman show with in the Botanical Gardens for two summers in and outside of the J.J. Outerbridge Building.

Ms Dorian prefers to do live poetry as she finds it more effective. Known for her interactive segments, Ms Dorian has an interesting collection of props, namely a Bible, vase/flower, telephone, boombox, tapes/CDs, a newspaper, steering wheel, mirror, mailbox and a surprise attraction, her bottle of Wisdom.

"My latest project is going to the nursing homes and last year I started by visiting Westmeath and worked my way around the island. I have visited 13 nursing homes and the last one I visited was Pembroke Nursing Home. I go in and I entertain them for a half hour to an hour depending upon the attention span of the residents."

Ms Dorian sometimes does four performances in a weekend.

"There is no end to what I want to do to entertain the public, I love it! she exclaimed.

While not formally trained, Ms Dorian is eloquent in her speech, projects her voice effectively and her body language adds to the term a 'one-woman show'.

"I am easily inspired by a word, a person's attitude or expression, nature, everything pertaining to life.

"Being on the road and sharing my poetry is a dream come true and a great idea. People can drive or ride by, come with their blankets or chairs, bring their breakfast, lunch or dinner and enjoy listening to poetry.

"I have a lot to share, after all I've been writing since I was nine years old (smile). This is a different slant to the talent on the island and I would love to entertain tourists as well.

"Poetry should be at school fairs, church fairs, bake sales, whatever is going on in the community.

"My poems will motivate, uplift, inspire and give food for thought regardless of age or gender."

MS Dorian expressed her gratitude to the staff at the Bermuda College who allowed her the use of the North Hall every other Thursday from 6.30 p.m.-9 p.m. for one year a few years ago when she invited other poets and entertainers to come to share their talents.

Anyone interesting in having Ms Dorian entertain for them, including children's parties, can call 293-6269 and leave a message or e-mail her at vdorianlogic.bm.