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Swans say they are ‘still UBP’

Some fight left: United Bermuda Party Leader Kim Swan (middle) and UBP MP Charlie Swan leave the Government Administration Building Hamilton with lawyer Graveney Bannister last week. The two MPs will sit in the House of Assembly today as UBP MPs. (Photo by Tamell Simons)

Kim Swan and Charlie Swan will sit in the House of Assembly today as UBP MPs but they are refusing to talk about “the internal business” of the political party.Both Mr Swans are standing by their principles by continuing to fly the flag for the 47-year-old party.But neither of them would talk about whether there was a future for the party, which last week saw seven out of its nine MPs and two of its Senators resigning.It comes after both Mr Swans met the party’s Executive Council yesterday then met with their lawyers to discuss the interim injunction.The UBP is understood to be on its last legs with the winding down of its official business on the cards. Sources say it’s “a case of when, not if.”But both Mr Swans are said to be keen to let the voters have the final say on the dissolving of the party so some kind of public consultation looks likely.Kim and Charlie Swan both confirmed to The Royal Gazette last night that they were “still UBP.”Kim Swan said: “There will absolutely be two UBP MPs sitting in the House,” with Charlie Swan adding: “That is correct, we will both be in the House as usual.”Kim Swan, who stood down as Opposition Leader but remains UBP leader, said his “long term plans remained the same as when he was first elected” and that was to represent his St George’s constituents and trying to improve the issues of the country.But when Kim Swan was asked whether the party was on the verge of dissolving he said that was “a private matter.”He said: “I look at it this way, whatever goes on internally within the UBP should not be everyone’s businesses. I’m not getting involved in entertaining that kind of talk.“I am very cautious about what I am going to say, and I will not be discussing that.”It comes a couple of weeks after Central committee members voted 68 to 14 in favour of forming the OBA by reuniting with their former colleagues who broke away from the UBP in September 2009. Kim Swan’s motion to adjourn and join forces with Harold Darrell’s political party was voted down.The two Mr Swans spearheaded an interim injunction, obtained in the Commercial Court, preventing then UBP MPs Trevor Moniz, John Barritt and UBP chairman Jeanne Atherden signing the UBP and BDA merger papers. The handful of UBP rebels argued the merger process was flawed, as the proper procedures to wind up the UBP had not been followed.However, the One Bermuda Alliance was launched on Tuesday with Mr Barritt named as leader and Craig Cannonier as deputy leader. The UBP MPs sidestepped the injunction by acting as individuals rather than party members.Kim and Charlie Swan yesterday released a joint e-mail statement to this newspaper saying the internal business of the UBP was “not for the media consumption.”It states: “We the United Bermuda Party will attend to the issues of the day and our communities as we have a responsibility to our supporters, the people we solicited at the last election and persons who voted for and against us at the last general election.”The statement explains that it was “unfortunate and regrettable” that MPs had used the UBP to get into the House then prematurely departed the party “when questions about constitutional procedures and irregularities were brought forward to be addressed.”The statement says: “Ironically many of the same persons who in the past have previously taken out or supported injunctions, writs and/or censure motions in the based on principle are now in the name of expediency not prepared to adhere to the constitution of the United Bermuda Party that made it possible for them to gain a seat in the House of Parliament.“What type of mindset can justify that type of behaviour?”The Mr Swans then go on to say that MPs changing political seats was like a game of “political musical chairs” which “makes a mockery of the general election process.”They say MPs Mark Pettingill, Shawn Crockwell and Donte Hunt were UBP, Independent, BDA and now OBA, adding: “Nowhere in the Commonwealth can you find such a callous abuse of the trust people placed in politicians at the polls.“Now the same MPs who condemned their actions in 2009 are doing the same thing and by extension they are now condoning it.”The two MPs said the “correct thing” for the MPs, who they called hypocritical, to do was to give up their seats so that by-elections could be held.Ms Atherden did not respond to requests for comment last night.