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Kids hit an ACE with sponsorship

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Photo by Tamell SimonsACE TENNIS

WHILE the current global economic crisis if being felt by everyone, including those sports who rely heavily on financial help from the public, the ACE Group has stuck with helping out the Bermuda Lawn Tennis Association's Tennis in the School Initiative Programme.

The ACE Group just handed over a $35,000 grant to the BLTA for the School Initiative which is going into its ninth year.

The programme allows students of all ages to enjoy tennis on a recreational and competitive level, not only in their regular PE lessons, but also through interschool tournaments. ACE's sponsorship allows the BLTA to appoint qualified tennis coaches to work within the school system with PE teachers, as well as fund interschool tournaments three times a year for the primary, middle and senior schools.

Lori Samson, Chief Administration Officer of the ACE Group in Bermuda, told the Mid-Ocean News: "With the way the market is everyone has to look at what they are doing but this is a good programme and worth continuing. This is a grassroots project and they (the BLTA) are taking the sport of tennis into the elementary, middle and high schools throughout the island. How can you cut back on something like that?

"We are thrilled with what the BLTA are doing. What they have shown us keeps on improving and keeps getting better. We are seeing the results of the training itself coming through with the tennis players getting scholarships (to further their education). What they are doing is working ¿ absolutely working.

"We are delighted to have seen measurable results through the BLTA's schools programme. Our ongoing support and sponsorship will help them keep up the good work. ACE is proud to continue its support of such an exceptional initiative. It is a valuable and rewarding programme that brings the sport of tennis to all school children in Bermuda".

David Lambert, head of the BLTA, said this week: "We initially adopted this programme from the ATF years ago and next year the programme will be going into its ninth year.

"We wouldn't have been able to run it without the the funds donated by ACE. We can hire certified teaching professionals to go into schools and work with juniors.

"No matter what level the players are at, the pros will recommend a programme for them to follow so they can be the best they can be. As a result of this programme we have seen our numbers rise in all the programmers ¿ from the Grassroots Programme right the way up. If you drive around Bermuda on the weekend you can now see clinics being held all over the place and this has all come about from the Tennis in the School Initiative.

"We have over 2,000 school kids in this programme and it is all thanks to ACE. We also use some of the funds for equipment ¿ we buy racquets and also have portable nets which can be set up in gyms and parking lots."

During the presentation of the $35,000 donation some of the winning juniors from the Interschool Tennis Tournament went to the ACE courts and played with a few of the company's executives.

ACE Interschool 2008 ITF-BLTA Doubles Tennis Tournament



Primary Division: (Warwick Academy) Christopher Rego and Jackson Greespan

Middle School Division: (Saltus Grammar School) Kieran Joynes and Thomas Moniz

Senior School Division: (Warwick Academy) Alexander Brown and Neal Towlson


Primary Division: (BHS) Christina Joynes and Taylor McHarg

Middle School Division: (Warwick Academy) Sarah Maybury and Ciara Svenson

Senior School Division: (BHS) Carolita Joseph & Madison O'Burne

Photo by Tamell SimonsACE TENNIS
Photo by Tamell SimonsACE TENNIS