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Stress the top cause of long-term sick leave

According to a recent survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and healthcare provider Simplyhealth stress has become the most common cause of long-term sick leave in Britain.The report suggests that worries about job losses, tougher workloads, having a “bad” boss are among the top factors piling the pressure on UK employees.On-going stress and workplace tension are also causing more anger, hostility and aggressive acts towards co-workers. A recent 2009/2010 British Crime Survey revealed an eight percent increase in violent acts in the workplace.For Robert Agar-Hutton, the Director of Protectics Ltd, a company that specialises in delivery training courses in the management of anger, aggression and violence, the rise is not surprising.“Within my 20 years of delivering both physical and verbal aggression and anger management training courses I have seen an increased rise of both stress and aggression within the workplace. Major job losses and money worries have helped contribute to a stressful working environment which make result in angry employees and managers and play a part in cause of long-term sick.“I’d urge managers and businesses to look after their staff and implement stress and anger training to help those having trouble coping at work this will help evade unnecessary stress, anger and absences.”Robert Agar-Hutton is an expert on anger, aggression and violence with over 20 years experience delivering training courses throughout UK.A published author, his book ‘How To Deal With Your Anger’ is the perfect tool for employees and managers looking to say goodbye to anger caused by stress once and for all.