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Help Sandy with his charity walk

Sandy Mitchell will attempt to walk the length of Bermuda next Saturday to raise funds for a good cause.

Nothing unusual in that, considering hundreds complete the charitable walk every May, but in Mr. Mitchell's case it would be quite an achievement as he was born with cerebral palsy, which is paralysis resulting from brain damage before or at birth, involving spasm of the muscles and involuntary movements.

Mr. Mitchell will attempt to complete the walk in 12 to 14 hours, leaving St. George's at 6 a.m. and reaching Dockyard sometime in the evening. He will call on the support of his family, friends and fellow members of the Hamilton Lions Club who will walk with him to motivate and support him on his journey.

Mr. Mitchell is challenging not only himself but also individuals, organizations and companies to help him raise funds for the causes. As this year's president of the Hamilton Lions Club, Mr. Mitchell is highlighting the important work of the Bermuda Society for the Blind and the Lions and Lioness Sight Conservation Fund, which assists approximately 100 people a year with eyeglasses, eye operations and examinations.

Mr. Mitchell is an accomplished paralympian, founder of WindReach and a strong supporter of breaking down barriers for people with disabilities and special needs. He will no doubt find the end-to-end walk a challenge of stamina and endurance.

To accomplish the task, he will split the walk into four sections and at the end of each section there will be a finish line featuring a ribbon, starting with a bronze, then silver, then gold. A platinum ribbon will greet Mr. Mitchell when he completes the final leg of the journey in Dockyard.

To sponsor a bronze ribbons (to John Smith's Bay) will be $500, $1,000 for the silver (Trimingham's roundabout), gold $2,000 (Port Royal gas station) and platinum $3,000 to complete the course. Those sponsoring a ribbon will have prominent recognition at the respective ribbon crossings.

It is Mr. Mitchell's goal, and that of the walkathon committee, to raise at least $15,000.

Anyone interested in pledging their support can call Mr. Mitchell at 238-5271 or e-mail ajmibl.bm (fax 238-5276); Andrew Meyers at 292-7478, ext. 119, e-mail abmcml.bm (fax 295-4164) or Dudley Cottingham at 292-7478, ext. 103, e-mail drccml.bm or fax 295-4164.

nWindReach are calling on volunteers to assist with the building of three accessible wooden `tebins' (tent-cabins) on their campground tomorrow and Sunday.

They will use three teams of volunteers from all aspects of our community, including service clubs, families and special needs volunteers. Volunteers are urged to bring a hammer and a paintbrush. Refreshments and a lunch will be provided and on Sunday, at the completion of the work, there will be a celebration barbeque.

The `tebins' will be finished in time for camping in the summer and there has already been interest in that from Canada, England andthe USA. Two of the `tebins' have already been sponsored by Random Acts of Kindness and Project 100 and a third sponsor for the final building is welcome.

Those interested in volunteering their services for the building project can register in advance by calling John Watkins at 238-2469.