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Hilton was hungry before DUI arrest

LOS ANGELES — Celebrity Paris Hilton was arrested in Hollywood early on Thursday for suspected drunk driving, but she said the incident had been blown out of proportion and that she may have been speeding to get a late-night burger.Hilton, pictured right, the heiress to the Hilton hotel dynasty known for her hard-partying lifestyle, was pulled over by police in Hollywood around 1 a.m. for driving erratically.

She told KIIS-FM radio in an interview yesterday morning that she had been to a charity fund-raiser party after a long day shooting a music video and had just one margarita.

"I had one margarita and was starving because I had not eaten all day," the 25 year old said. "Maybe I was speeding a little bit and I got pulled over. I was just really hungry and I wanted to have an In-N-Out Burger."

The star of reality show The Simple Life, who had a surprise summer hit with her first pop single Stars are Blind, said that as usual there were a lot of photographers around.

"I think the police wanted to make a statement. They even said 'there are a lot of people watching. We don't want them to think we are giving you special treatment'," Hilton said.

Police said Hilton failed a sobriety test but she has not been charged with any offence. That decision will be made by the Los Angles County District Attorney in the next few days.

Hilton's publicist Elliot Mintz, who picked up his client from the police station, said Hilton was affected more than usual by the one drink she had because it was "one drink on an empty stomach after a full day's work".

"It's the absolute minimum amount of alcohol in your system that would justify an arrest," he told reporters.

The incident made national headlines yesterday.

"Everything I do is blown out of proportion," said Hilton, not known for shying away from publicity. "It really hurts my feelings."

Mintz said Kimberly Stewart, the daughter of rocker Rod Stewart, was in Hilton's Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren when she was pulled over.

Hilton shot to fame for an amateur sex video that showed up on the Internet in 2003. Her party-going and complex love life have ensured that she has rarely been off the celebrity radar since.