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September 2009 VOICES

"This shooting had nothing to do with poker as such, it happened because violence has got out of control. And it's up to our leaders to do something." A poker player and friend of Richard Gaglio after the shooting.

"I don't have any enemies, I help everyone. Only someone with no conscience, a callous person, would do this. It's just so silly and unnecessary to burn everything in the office." Sharon DeSilva, owner of arson-hit Kiddie Academy.

"The climate now is so ripe. Many people are yearning for something new and fresh." Shawn Crockwell, one of the rebel MPs who defect from the UBP to start the new Bermuda Democratic Alliance party.

"The last ten years the PLP has successfully branded the UBP as a white elitist party. We hope to provide a political party which will liberate the country from politics of division. We think the country is ready for that." Shawn Crockwell.

"We can do great things with small numbers." UBP leader Kim Swan says the party will bounce back from the recent resignations.

"One silver lining to the dark cloud is that we will have a situation where we compete with them for performance in the House of Assembly. It will force us and them to raise our game." UBP MP John Barritt on the defecting party members.

"It's beautiful. You have very nice people. Very friendly. I can understand why so many Portuguese have chosen to call Bermuda their home." Ambassador of Portugal, Antonio Nunes de Carvalho Santana Carlos