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Crowds flock to Annual Expo

Nosey old goat: This goat is part of the goat milking exhibit at the Bermuda Annual Exhibition.Photo by Glenn Tucker

Locals and visitors alike agreed yesterday that the first day of the 67th Bermuda Annual Exhibition was a success.

After the cancellation of the exhibition last year due to destruction from Hurricane Fabian, many people were happy to have the tradition reinstated.

Anne Tucker said it was an excellent day for the exhibition to open at the Botanical Gardens.

?It?s been a beautiful day,? she said. ?I think it is wonderful to have it going again. It?s very festive and fun.?

Mrs. Tucker spent much of the day looking at exhibits and ?taking it all in?.

The usual exhibits of potted plants, aquarium displays, artwork, petting zoos and pigs ? to name just a few ? are back.

But many new activities and exhibits have been added to the mix including the decorated Easter egg exhibit and the model Bermuda homes on display in the Horticulture Hall.

Perfectly timed for today?s worldwide observance of Earth Day, the exhibition also features a sustainable development booth.

The poster on the booth says sustainable development is: ?Sustaining our economy and ensuring everyone can benefit at the same time. It is about sustaining our society, our culture and our environment.?

Leila Wadson, a member of the Sustainable Development Project, was speaking to exhibition attendees yesterday about their vision of Bermuda?s future.

She said every household will soon receive a questionnaire in which residents can express their concerns about the future and environmental issues.

The Sustainable Development project, which is being run by the Government?s Central Policy Unit, will eventually produce an action plan from the information collected.

Environmental concerns are also the focus of the Greenrock group, which has an exhibit in the Education Building.

Greenrock are providing the recycling services for the exhibition with blue bins strategically located around the Botanical Gardens.

Greenrock?s Erin Moran said the group will mark Earth Day today by erecting a large mural of the Island with endemic animals drawn on it for children to paint from noon onwards.

Those attending yesterday were as happy to see the old favourites as to learn about the environment, however.

Kayla Smithage eight, said her favourite part of the exhibition is seeing the horses because ?sometimes they [the riders dress up in different costumes?.

Kayla also enjoyed singing in the Lower Ring with the St. David?s Primary choir.

Eight-year-old Emily Howe said she enjoyed the cotton candy while seven-year old Emily Cowan was entranced with the decorated cakes.

Nine-year-oldMarquis Caines said he enjoyed the special act ?Cirque Magnifique? as did seven-year-old visitor from Massachusetts, Troy Hansen.

?I liked the circus, how they created the costumes to represent the animals,? Marquis said while Troy said his favourite act was the clown. ?I liked when he threw popcorn in the audience,? he said.

Fiona Laugham, a 15-year-old visitor to the Island from Boston, said she had a great time at the exhibition. ?I really liked it,? she said. ?It?s a great way to show what the different parishes are doing and a great way to get everyone together.?

Yesterday?s attendance was on par with previous years, Acting Director of Parks Martin Brown said. ?There was a big rush [in the morning but it tapered off.?