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Crown to appeal $30,000 drugs fines

The Crown is appealing a sentence handed out to Gershwyn `Shilo' Smith for drugs offences.The Director of Public Prosecutions is seeking a stiffer sentence than the $30,000 in fines given to Mr. Smith for cultivation and possession of cannabis.The move came as Mr. Smith's missed yesterday's deadline for payment of the fines.

The Crown is appealing a sentence handed out to Gershwyn `Shilo' Smith for drugs offences.

The Director of Public Prosecutions is seeking a stiffer sentence than the $30,000 in fines given to Mr. Smith for cultivation and possession of cannabis.

The move came as Mr. Smith's missed yesterday's deadline for payment of the fines.

Yesterday's hearing was held to consider an application filed last Friday by Ms Pearman for more time to pay the fines because Mr. Smith had not been able to come up with the full amount.

But Ms Pearman's application, it turned out, was unnecessary because of the Crown's pending appeal for a stiffer sentence.

"We were concerned because of the time for payment," Ms Pearman explained. "He had indicated he was unable to raise all the funds. In consultation with prosecutor Charmaine Smith, it appeared that because they had filed a notice of appeal, all proceedings were stayed."

In February, Mr. Smith, 52, a longtime campaigner for the legalisation of the drug, was fined a total of $30,000 for having 545 cannabis plants and 2,173 grams of cannabis in his Smith's Parish home.