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Earth Day: The secret is out for a woodland haven

The Bermuda National Trust marked Earth Day at the weekend by planting 26 endemic trees and shrubs in an area previously dominated by invasive plants such as fan palm.

On Saturday, the preparatory work of litter pick-up, invasive culling and ground works were accomplished by Trust volunteers at zoned woodland in Waterville, Paget.

The work took six hours, in which time 60 lbs.. of recyclable bottles and cans was collected, 40 lbs of trash removed, and three truck loads of compostable material gathered.

Rye grass seed, Bermuda cedars, Palmettos and snowberry were planted to replace the invasive species.

National Trust environmental officer Peter Drew said: "This area can now be managed as a secret woodland shade area for summer picnics and relaxing.

"The Trust thanks all Earth Day volunteers and participants and welcomes people to see for themselves this new area of beauty as evidence that everyone makes a difference with a little effort and dedication.

"We encourage people to contact the Trust if they have an interest in volunteering in other environmental projects."