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Show was a great success

Outgoing director of Agriculture and Fisheries, Mr. Barnes, said there were over 2,000 entries for the 65 Agricultural Exhibition, including animals, plants, art work, veggie critters.

The 65th annual Agricultural Exhibition was described as a great success with around 25,000 visitors over the three day run.

The Bermuda Folklife Festival, which was recreated from the exhibit which took place at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. last year, proved a crowd puller, according to curator Marcelle Beach.

She said: "There was a large increase in the amount of people who came to the Agricultural Exhibition this year."

She added that the various performances brought a `Bermudian culture and identity' home to the visitors.

Part of the display was a traditional Bermuda house, that was built on the site during the show. Director of Agriculture and Fisheries John Barnes said it would be finished, but could not say what its use would be.

Mr. Barnes said there were over 2,000 entries for the exhibition, including animals, plants, art work, veggie critters. Also popular was a cedar carving show and a demonstration of cows being milked.