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Traffic accidents keep Fire Service busy

The Bermuda Fire Service attended an unusually high number of road traffic accidents on Friday.A spokesman for the Fire Service said in the course of an average day the service attends three or four accidents.On Friday, however, Fire personnel were called to an alarming ten accidents before 10 p.m.

The Bermuda Fire Service attended an unusually high number of road traffic accidents on Friday.

A spokesman for the Fire Service said in the course of an average day the service attends three or four accidents.

On Friday, however, Fire personnel were called to an alarming ten accidents before 10 p.m.

The spokesman said the accidents occurred all over the Island and were fortunately all minor, with the one exception of the car crash on North Shore Road which killed 19-year old Troylisha Samantha Outerbridge and landed four others in the hospital. An investigation into that accident is underway.

Ace makes $300,000 sloop donation

The Bermuda Sloop Foundation has received a $300,000 commitment from the ACE Foundation.

At a reception held on the visiting yacht Tenacious, ACE Foundation executive director, Ralph Richardson announced the multi-year contribution to the educational programme.

The move also marks the first donation to the Sloop Foundation from an international company.

"It's not just about sailing. The ship is the vehicle," said Mr. Richardson who is also a committee member of the Bermuda Sloop Foundation.

Car stereo stolen

A woman who left her car parked at a garage for repairs returned two months later to find that her stereo had been stolen.

A Police spokesman said the incident happened at the Peugeot garage on Curving Avenue, Pembroke, some time over a two-month period.