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A note of thanks

(Photo by Akil Simmons)Eight college visitors are pictured soaking up some sun and enjoyed the view from Albouy's Point during spring break in Bermuda in March.

May 1, 2012Dear Sir,We would like to take the opportunity to commend the Department of Tourism for their considerable and well thought out efforts to organise and promote Spring Break Bermuda 2012. All involved, especially Tashae Thompson who headed up the Spring Break Project, deserve recognition for jobs well done and we would like to express our family’s appreciation and gratitude to them for their efforts. My daughter, Catalina, came back home to Bermuda for the period of March 10 to 18 from her university, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, an engineering university where she is studying aeronautical and aviation engineering. She brought twelve, yes twelve, classmates with her to Bermuda for Spring Break. My daughter’s friends came from five different countries and their collective messages back to their families and friends at their respective homes will resound with how fun, how beautiful, and how welcoming Bermuda is.My daughter and her friends, as well as we, were very impressed with the programmes of both daytime activities and evening/night-time parties organised for Spring Break participants. Big hits included the opening beach party at Horseshoe Beach and the cliff diving experience at Admiralty Park. Both Café Cairo and Moon, together with the standby of ‘Beer Pong’ at Docksiders kept everyone entertained at night. In addition to availing themselves of the organised events, my daughter’s friends also took the opportunity to explore and learn about the Island independently and with us.We would also like to recognise and thank all the sponsors of Spring Break who contributed to making this a wonderful success, and the many merchants, boat and venue operators, restaurants, and the night clubs that made the week fun and exciting for all of our guests. They all should be recognised and thanked.CHRISTOPHER AND CATALINA SPOSATO