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All roads lead to Trojans camp

Somerset Trojans are bursting at the seams after profiting handsomely over the off-season transfer period.

Trojans, who finished sixth and reached the FA Cup semi-finals for the third straight year last season, had a total of 14 players added to their team roster ? ten of which came from neighbouring Somerset Eagles, relegated at the end of the 2004-05 campaign.

Among the big names heading West are Quincy Aberdeen (Devonshire Colts) and Dawud Tucker (PHC) while Rodre (Piper) Wilson, Aldophus Lambert, Jelani Butterfield, Lamaul Crofton, Sean Simmons, Jabrel Tucker and Winslow (Scaley) Williams lead a mass exodus from nearby White Hill Field.

However, Dennis Brown and his supporting cast at Cricket Lane did not have things all their own way during the transfer period as key striker Dion Stovell has returned to his roots at Paget and Ijahmon Mallory opting to join his father Gary (Tuba) Mallory at Devonshire Cougars ? one of only two additions the Big Cats have picked up so far.

Clevon Hill, who sat out most of last season through injury, obtained a release but has yet to transfer.

Trojans captain Richard Scott and Karl Roberts announced their retirements from Premier Division football at the end of last season. Scott has since progressed to Commercial B side Somerset Extros while Roberts has joined Commercial A side Key West Rangers who must be delighted having added Southampton Rangers boy wonder Janeiro Tucker to their ranks.

But it is all the pre-season hype further West which has the former powerhouses of domestic football licking their lips over what could potentially turn out to be prosperous season in terms of winning a first major title since the Dudley Eve Trophy in 1994-95.

"We are certainly thrilled and looking forward to the season and attendance in training is up. The quality of the players has definitely improved and also the team's depth and obviously we have benefited from the fact Somerset Eagles were relegated last season," Trojans assistant coach Paul Scope told

With the stroke of a pen, Trojans' attack ? already containing the likes of Stephen Astwood, Rohaan Simons, Jelani Scott and Chris Moulder ? has been bolstered with Crofton, Wilson, Tucker and Aberdeen now pushing for places up front.

"The players seem optimistic and we have a quality set up at Somerset," Scope continued.

"With all due respect to Karl (Roberts) and Richard (Scott) they have been great servants to the club and quality people. They wanted to retire a couple years ago when we were relegated but we persuaded them to stay to lend a bit of experience and stability to the youngsters we brought on. And they did a terrific job.

"We are a bit sad to see Ijahmon (Mallory) leave but his dad is assistant coach at Cougars and Dion was certainly a disappointment. However, he has always been a Paget guy."

Meanwhile, in addition to Eagles, other clubs having had significant numbers jump ship were Boulevard and Southampton Rangers. Blazers have lost inspirational sweeper Stanton Lewis who has returned to Zebras, Bermuda international full-back Robert Wilson and striker Michael Parsons to Dandy Town, live-wire striker Marvin Belboda to Paget, Torry Davis back to Wolves, Meshach Wade returning as player/coach of Southampton Rangers and Jahmah Samuels heading over to Commercial A side Key West Rangers. Retired Boulevard coach John Rebello has reportedly assumed a coaching role at last season's FA Cup runner's up Hamilton Parish.

Rangers have lost franchise player Tucker, pint-sized Reggie Lowe to North Village, Oscar Riley to Commercial side Valley FC, 'keeper Dwayne (Streaker) Adams who has returned to Bernard park to coach Village, Shawn Simons to Key West Rangers and super sub Devone Bailey to Paget.

In addition to Tucker heading West to Trojans, Enwar Hunt (Paget) is the only other notable breaking ranks at PHC.

Surprisingly, promoted Ireland Rangers did not pick up any new additions while Devonshire Colts managed to acquire the services of five new players.

A total of 125 Premier Division players applied for releases, 37 of whom have officially signed on at new clubs, while 43 players obtained releases in the First Division with a total of 36 having confirmed their whereabouts for the fast-approaching 2005-06 season.