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A Bermuda success story

ANOTHER hugely successful Bermuda Regional came to a close last Saturday and tournament chairman Lynanne Bolton and her committee can look back at a job really well done.While the numbers were a little down on last year the visitors and locals participated in a smoothly run and enjoyable event which has become the hallmark of this tournament.

Bermuda players had an unprecedented level of success at this tournament and for the first time I'm reproducing the entire list of winners to demonstrate the extent of the Bermuda success.BERMUDA REGIONAL 2005

Championship Event Roll Of HonourThe Charity Pairs:

Flight A: David and Sally Sykes, Bermuda

Flight B: Stephanie and Eddie Kyme, Bermuda

Flight C: Betty Hodgman and Carol Davidson, Connecticut

The Sunday Stratiflighted Swiss Teams:

Flights A/X: Alan Douglas, Ian Harvey, David Pereira, Barry Rahman, Bermuda

Flights B/C: Gertrude Barker, Jane Smith, Richmond and Marilynn Simmons, Bermuda

Flight D: Frazer and Roy McCrorey, Gill Gray, Betty Outerbridge, Bermuda

The Monday/Tuesday Stratified Championship Pairs:

Flight A: Brian Senior and Jim Linhart, Nottingham, England/Delray Beach, Florida

Flight B: 1/2 John Rayner and Donald Airey, Bermuda, and William and Susan Ware, Sagamore Beach, Maine

Flight C: John Rayner and Donal Airey, Bermuda

The Wednesday/Thursday Stratified Open Pairs:

Flight A: Jan Janistschke and Bonnie Smith, Littleton, Colorado

Flight B: Vincent and Barbara Schoeck, Hagerstown, Maryland

Flight C: Patricia Colmet and Laura Patriciu, Bermuda

The Bracketed KO Teams:

Bracket 1: Allan Graves, Jean Johnson, Bill Souster, Joseph Wakefield, Jim Linahart, Vancouver, Canada; Bermuda; Newport; Wales; Delray Beach, Florida

Bracket 2: Brenda Fortunate, Eddie and Stephanie Kyme, Ray Cornell, Livingston Johnson, Grand Blanc Michigan; Bermuda; Chelmsford, England; Fairfax, Virginia

Bracket 3: Dee Griffiths, Florin and Laura Patriciu, Annabella Fraser, Bermuda

The Friday/Saturday Flighted Swiss Teams:

Flight A: Charles Hall, Harry Kast, Michael Bickley, Anthony Saunders, Bermuda

Flight B: Magda Farag, Mona Marie Gambrill, Gertrude Barker, Jane Smith, Bermuda

Flight C: Elizabeth McKee, Elysa Burland, Peggy Thompson, Pat Colmet, Bermuda

The Open Masterpoint Race: Jim Linhart (for the third time), Delray Beach, Florida

The Bermudian Masterpoint Race: Vera Petty and Roman Smolski, Bermuda

The Bermudian Junior Masterpoint Race: Rosemary Smith, Bermuda

<$>A number of great results up there and there were few events where locals didn't dominate the outcome. the masterpoint races once again attracted attention and Vera Petty-Roman Smolski continued their domination of this trophy. Also worthy of mention was the win of the Bermuda Trophy by newcomer Rosie Smith.

The Bermuda players cleaned up in the Teams events, winning the Opening Swiss, the Closing Swiss and the Knockouts. The win by Saunders-Hall-Bickley and Kast in the Closing Swiss was particularly notable as I believe it was a first win in Regional Open competition for Michael Bickley and Harry Kast, two veteran players on the local scene who have had many successes at the club level. The pair had some excellent results and this hand was an example of the positive flow of their game.North (Bickley)

[spade]A K 7 6 4 3


[diamond]A 5

[club]A J 7 5

West East

[spade]10 2 [spade]Q 9 8 5

[heart]10 7 6 [heart]J 8

[diamond]Q 9 8 7 6 4 2 [diamond]K 3

[club]10 [club]Q 9 8 3 2

South (Kast)


[heart]A K Q 9 5 4 3

[diamond]J 10

[club]K 6 4Bickley was sitting North and after he opened a strong club, Kast checked on aces and drove to the grand slam in hearts. This is cold on a trump or club lead as declarer has the entries to set up the long spade. West, however, led a nasty diamond. Harry won and simply reeled off six rounds of trumps on which East had to find four discards — once he pitched a spade Harry ruffed out the queen and claimed — great board!

Notice that, in fact, East is legitimately squeezed even if he is good enough to throw away the king of diamonds. Declarer comes down t this five card ending with East still to pitch a card.North

<$f"ZapfDingbats">|0xab|A K 7



[club]A J

West East

Immaterial [spade]Q 98

— [heart]None

— [diamond]None

— [club]Q 9 8





[club]K 6 4Any discard by East is fatal — nice hand!