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Trio lend a light-hearted note to classical music

Stradivarius comes to Bermuda this weekend via an imaginative musical evening hosted by L'Alliance Franaise des Bermudes and featuring violinist Anne Robert, organist Jacques Boucher, and veteran Quebec actor/producer Albert Millaire.

The Canadian trio will present a light-hearted musical production entitled 'Stradivarius in Bermuda!' featuring the music of Vivaldi, Bach, Handel and Vitali, as seen through the eyes of the legendary Italian violin-maker, Stradivarius, on Saturday, May 15 at St. Paul's Church in Paget.

The presentation, in French and English, will follow the story line of Stradvarius being invited by a musician to listen, in a church, to the new violin she has just acquired from one of his disciples, also a renowned violin maker. Stradivarius arrives early and dozes in a pew, but when the concert begins he awakens and reminisces about each of composers on the programme, whom he knew personally. The selected musical works form an integral backdrop to the Stradivarius' discourse.

Violinist Anne Robert is a soloist and former first violinist with the Symphony Orchestra of Montreal, among other Canadian orchestras, and is active on both the Canadian and European stages. Her concerts and recordings are critically praised.

Organist Jacques Boucher is considered one of Canada's principal organists. A former Radio Canada producer and director, he is currently the artistic director of the Association for the Advancement of Music of Repentigny.

Actor/director Albert Millaire is a veteran of Quebec theatre who has played many great characters on stage and television during his long career in Canada.

'Stradivarius in Bermuda!' begins at 7.30 p.m. Tickets ($15 students, $25 general, $50 patrons) are available at Pulp & Circumstance Paper on Queen Street. A private reception for patrons will take place following the concert.