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Corporation plans to free up crowded Front Street dock

The Corporation of Hamilton is hoping to tear down Number Eight shed in the spring to free up space on the crowded Front Street dock.

Dock operators Stevedoring Services have been pushing for more room and will move all container stripping operations to Number Seven shed.

Stevedoring Services chairman Henry Hayward said the move would create room for another 315 containers but he said there were no moves to change the cap of 750 containers which was imposed in the summer after safety concerns.

He said: “Throughput has increased, it's much more efficient.”

Companies who strip containers on the docks will be allocated space in Number Seven shed according to the volume of cargo they have received in the last six months.

“If they don't get their cargo delivered they will not get any more room,” said Mr. Hayward.

A notice for tenders on the contract to demolish Number Eight shed went in yesterday's Royal Gazette.

Hamilton Mayor Lawson Mapp hoped the work was set for April.

Number Seven shed is also set to come down at some stage, but Mr. Hayward acknowledged this would be a trickier problem as container stripping companies would have to relocate off the dock altogether. No date has been set for this.