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Drunken scrap leads to prison sentence

Threatening to kill a police officer and violently resisting arrest will cost a Pembroke man seven months in prison, Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner has ruled.

Thirty-seven-year-old Ali Abdullah Virgil was sentenced to 210 days in prison for threatening P.c. Shannon Trott, using offensive words and violently resisting arrest on Friday outside a Reid Street nightclub. Crown counsel Cindy Clarke told the court Virgil was being escorted out and refused re-entry as Police arrived. When he became aggressive and was told by Police to leave.

When the third warning came, Virgil said: ?Do you know the f*** I am, you don?t even know me.

As he was arrested, Virgil sustained a cut on his lip and his head and one of the officers received a small abrasion to his head.

When he was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital Virgil said: ?Get the f*** away from me, I will f****** kill you, can you see it, can you see the bullet spinning into your forehead, you don?t know who you are f***** with.?

Virgil ? who has an extensive criminal record ? told the court he had a previous altercation with P.c. Trott and suggested the officer abused his authority. He also said it was his birthday and he was intoxicated and is normally a pleasant but was provoked.