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Praise for Allen Temple

Premier the Hon. Sir John Swan led the way in praising the church which is celebrating its 120th anniversary.The church had not only played an important part in Sandy's Parish, but also in the development of Christian morals,

service to the Sandys community.

Premier the Hon. Sir John Swan led the way in praising the church which is celebrating its 120th anniversary.

The church had not only played an important part in Sandy's Parish, but also in the development of Christian morals, Sir John said.

He also praised visiting president of the World Council of Churches Bishop Vinton R. Anderson.

Sir John noted that Bishop Anderson, who is a Bermudian, described the importance of unity during a recent banquet for the church.

On a sad note, the Premier asked that the House send condolences to the family of the late Mr. Roland Bridgewater -- father of former UBP MP Mr. Vincent Bridgewater.

"He was truly a role model to young people, particularly in the Parson's Road area.'' Sir John said Mr. Bridgewater, who was a shopkeeper and carpenter, was also known as a disciplinarian.

Opposition MP Mr. Walter Lister joined the Premier in congratulating Allen Temple.

As a member of the church, Mr. Lister also praised Bishop Anderson for his achievements.

"When Bishop Anderson left Bermuda in 1949, Sandys was little more than a fishing village.

"Now he is the leader of 560 million Christians around the world.

"This is a classic example of how one coming from humble beginnings has made it.'' Government MP the Hon. C.V. (Jim) Woolridge asked that condolences be sent to the families of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer and Mrs. Gladys Smith, both of Hamilton Parish.

Mrs. Spencer was the founder of Betty's Beauty Salon and Mrs. Smith was well known in the taxi business.

"Both of these ladies demonstrated their ability to make a place in what was known as a man's world,'' he said.

Opposition Leader Mr. Frederick Wade also sent condolences to the Bridgewater family.

Noting that the late Mr. Bridgewater was a founding member of the PLP, Mr.

Wade said: "The Bridgewater family is one of those families that serve both parties for many years''.

He said Mr. Bridgewater, who was a family man, would be missed by his family and the community.

Mr. Wade also congratulated Allen Temple and Bishop Anderson.

"We produce in this small Island competent world leaders on the odd occasion,'' he said referring to the Bishop. "This proves that when people have a talent they can rise to any height in the world.'' Government MP the Hon. Ann Cartwright DeCouto asked to be associated with comments about Mr. Bridgewater.

Noting that he was one of her constituents, she said: "Mr. Bridgewater always invited me in his home. He was a keen follower of the political scene''.

PLP MP Miss Jennifer Smith asked that she be associated with remarks made in about Allen Temple AME, Mr. Bridgewater, and Mrs. Gladys Smith.

She also asked the House to send congratulations to four retiring teachers -- Mrs. Leoni Stephens, Mrs. Claudine Allen, Mrs. Lauren King, and Mrs. Veronica Ross.

Miss Smith said she was sure Mrs. Ross, who taught at Sandys Secondary for 30 years, will be a great loss.

All of the teachers were dedicated and should be recognised for their contributions, she added.

Independent MP Mr. Stuart Hayward asked that congratulations be sent to Mr.

Kenny DeFontes and VSB on its 10th anniversary.

Government MP the Hon. Leonard Gibbons asked that congratulations be sent to Mr. Anthony Aguire, owner of Harrington Hundreds supermarket.

He noted that refurbishment was almost completed at the store and it was done "completely with the handicapped in mind''.

"This grocery store certainly leads the way for the physically impaired,'' Mr. Gibbons added.

He also asked to be associated with remarks about VSB, Allen Temple and Mrs.

Betty Spencer.

Government backbencher Mr. Philip Smith asked that condolences be sent to the family of the late Mrs. Rosalie Catherine Jane Doars, formerly of St.


He said Mrs. Doars was a staunch Salvation Army supporter.

And Mr. Smith asked the House to wish the Premier a happy birthday.

Sir John will be 58 today.

"I'm sure there are days, after 11 years as Premier, that he feels older than he is,'' Mr. Smith said.