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Alive! A day after being killed off

Carlton (Butch) Minors on his wedding day.

The family of a man whose death at the hands of Jamaican cops was reported in a radio broadcast this week are considering suing the network.

ZFB broadcast in two separate bulletins on Thursday that Carlton (Butch) Minors Junior had been gunned down by Jamaican Police after escaping custody.

But reports of the 34-year-old's demise had been greatly exaggerated and when aunt Dina Tucker rang him in Jamaica, where he is being held awaiting deportation on drugs charges, and asked if he had been shot, he replied: "Nah, I'm alright."

Unfortunately due to the quality of the line she was unable to speak with him any further, but it was proof enough that he hadn't been killed, leaving his tearful mother furious at what had taken place.

"I am very devastated," said a tearful Twina Minors, who first heard about it when a friend called her when she was just about to drive back to her Somerset home from work.

"They should be punished for this. It is cold. You don't do that sort of thing to people. It is very unfair.

"When I heard I went right off the deep end. Whatever he has done, he is my pride and joy and I love him.

"Even it was true that he is dead, you can't go telling people before the Police do, that is not right. This has been of the worst 24 hours of my life. I could have had a heart attack.

"They (ZFB) haven't said nothing to me, they haven't apologised they haven't contacted me, nothing. They should be ashamed."

Ms Minors said that after hearing the news she burst into tears and a passer-by stopped her and offered to escort her home because she appeared too upset to drive.

She accepted the help and then was pulling into her driveway when she heard the second broadcast claiming her son was dead - she also said she had been suffering from chest pains since hearing the news.

The Bermuda Broadcasting Company, who operate ZFB, were unavailable for comment last night.