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Letters to the Editor

Multiple Big ConversationsMarch 25, 2009Dear Sir,

Multiple Big Conversations

March 25, 2009

Dear Sir,

This Big Conversation is a big laugh. As Sir John Swan said in today's Royal Gazette and I quote: "An apology from the white community to the black community would certainly be welcomed by some in Bermuda, but I highly doubt it will have much of an impact on race relations!" End quote. That is so true!

Let's be honest – we have husbands who need to apologise to wives and vice versa – we have people who at some time have done unspeakable deeds to others who need to apologise – we have blacks who need to apologise to other blacks and whites who need to apologise to other whites, and we have Governments who need to apologise to the "people" for all of the injustices, lies and evils they have perpetrated against their own people. So when this Big Conversation comes up with "whites need to apologise to blacks", it is an absolute laugh because in reality, many people of the world need more than a couple of words like "I'm sorry" to help their situation.

Slavery was a bad thing, it was wrong, but so is murder, lying, cheating stealing and a multitude of other things. What we should be doing is apologising to God Almighty for the wrongs we have committed against our fellowman – but for whites only to apologise to blacks only is ludicrous. What we all should do is get down on our knees and say sorry for about a half-hour for our transgressions, and that should take care of all the apologies needed in this world, so maybe we should organise an "I'm Sorry Day" and at a specific time on the count of three, the world says "I'm Sorry!"

I know some will call me "Uncle Tom's sister" for my beliefs, but that's OK as I have been called worse than that and it won't bother me in the least because I know I am no more an "Uncle Tom's sister" than those promoting the Big Conversation. In fact one of the main organisers of the Big Conversation once called in to the Shirley Dill Show after me and stated that I was always fighting the white's man cause. Rest assured, I am not fighting the white man's cause, nor am I fighting the black man's cause – if it is a cause, it would be a "people" cause. I believe in fairness for everyone, as injustice is injustice regardless of colour.

All we need in this world today is fair play, equal opportunity and a chance to prove ourselves. But, if we are going to continuously blame what happened in the past and use it as a race tool instead of getting on with our lives, we will be sitting here for another 400 years asking for an apology from whites. Also, I strongly believe that if blacks had the opportunity to capitalise on slavery by enslaving whites back then, they would have done so in a heartbeat and the reason I say this is simply because we are dealing with human nature and we all know what greed does to some humans – just take a look around you … The Madoffs and the mini-Madoffs of this world are alive and well and always have been.

Yes we need a Big Conversation; we need a Big Conversation on many things around here. We need a Big Conversation on where all of our money is going … on why the Finance Minister has signed off on things that appear to be so very questionable … on the Auditor General's findings in his last report – the report before that and the report before that … on why Julian Hall received that vulgar raise to $200,000 a year as a consultant, as well as who are these other consultants and what are they doing to cost this island $100 million a year …

Yes we certainly do need a Big Conversation; we need a whopping Big Conversation on this Government's performance and operating tactics. But a Big Conversation on whites apologising to blacks – forget it, as it is a waste of time and will accomplish absolutely nothing.



Analyse your commitment

March 24, 2009

Dear Sir,

I am writing at this time because I have been analysing the political atmosphere here in Bermuda. I am noticing the frustration in the politicians. I am convinced that some are getting tired and some are heading for a burnout and after watching the last election I am more convinced that this is so. Both parties had difficulty finding candidates to run in various constituencies.

The candidates that were elected are only staying involved for one or two reasons. Reason number one is the money they get for doing nothing. After all they take home about $700 a week without working for it as a back bencher. The second reason is Cabinet Ministers either like the prestige or they like to take home approximately $1,200 a week.

These figures may not be accurate but it's probably close. I have admired Minister Col. Burch in his work in the last six months. He shows guts, courage and he is not toeing the party line. (if I were the Governor I would make him the Chief of Police).

Premier Brown, I listened to your press release on Tourism and in the last couple of years you have been off by a large percentage. This year 2008-2009 your percentages were way off. How could you not know? I never believe your stats because I travel around Bermuda talking with taxi, bus and ferry operators and have asked the question of them concerning tourists. The majority answered terrible. Who would know better than them?

The last time I heard the House debate, you were talking about legalising gambling on the cruise ships while in port. I was very pleased with the three that went against your proposal and that means the PLP is a real democratic party. I have a warning for those three, to look out for the near future enjoy your next few years in the House because if Dr. Brown is Premier by the next election you three will not be candidates. If you don't know why, it's because you roughed up his feathers.

I no longer make an effort to listen to the House in assembly on Fridays when they are in sessions. I dislike the name calling, sarcastic remarks and bickering by adults that are put in responsible positions to run this island. You wonder why the population is out of control; with leaders that show bad examples is only one reason. When the House adjourns this summer you all need to renew and analyse your commitment. Minister Col. Burch keep up the good work.



Tell us about respect

March 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

Thanks for what you and the PLP party have done for the people of Bermuda and the world. Mr. Premier, this Letter to the Editor is my way of expressing gratitude to you personally. I hope that Mrs. Patricia Pamplin would accept our challenge to explain the riddle to us. While she is at it maybe she would tell us what respect is.

Dear Mrs. Patricia Pamplin,

I have heard you on numerous occasions say that respect is earned. You disrespect the Honourable Premier as if you are merely playing a game. If you only come clean you will have to admit that Dr. Brown could only gain your respect if he was white or a member of your party.

On a scale of one to 10 my respect for you should not be at two. How you could reasonably expect to earn my respect while you are disrespecting a man that I deeply admire is a mystery to me.

Nevertheless if you want to earn my respect then you tell me, if you can. What do I mean by this riddle? "It is hard to sit down and listen to a dumb person when I am a genius." Eugene N. Brangman. This response of mine is due largely to a disgusting letter written by Patricia J. Gordon-Pamplin JP, MP and printed in the Royal Gazette of Tuesday, December 5, 2006.

