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Elderly want to `ignite and excite

Island seniors are `Growing Old Gracefully in the Spirit of Bermuda'.Under this banner, seniors from around the Island began celebrating the first Senior Citizens' Week of the new millennium on Sunday.

Island seniors are `Growing Old Gracefully in the Spirit of Bermuda'.

Under this banner, seniors from around the Island began celebrating the first Senior Citizens' Week of the new millennium on Sunday.

"Last year we went through a hearty year celebrating the Year of Older Persons,'' noted Fred Hassell, coordinator of well seniors for the Department of Community Affairs. "It was a very successful year. There was tremendous awareness about longevity and the age concern was prominently publicised.

"This year, the committee has worked with passion and commitment to make Senior Citizens' Week a success.'' And Mr. Hassell, who is also the co-host of the "Sixty Something'' radio programme, said organisers were determined to make the public realise that the golden years can truly be the best years of someone's life.

"We're making a plea to those 60 and older to recognise the seniors movement,'' he explained. "We want to ignite and excite people in their 60's to be involved with the "Seniors in School Programme''.

The "Seniors in School Programme'' arranges for senior citizens to visit the Island's schools so they may share with the younger generation their wisdom and experience.

"Older people should be active mentors, guides and critics of society,'' said Mr. Hassell. "We should be moral powerhouses. We're trying to get people to look at aging as a virtue, as a blessing for the community and to young people.

"Seniors don't just have to sit around and sip tea. Being in your 60s is not what it use to be; in fact it is an exciting time. Seniors still work are active an vibrant -- now adays 65 is still young.'' He added: "We want to move ahead with passion and involve our people with programmes, the community, politics, the churches. We want people to look at growing gracefully.'' Seniors Citizen Week kicked off Sunday with the annual Premier's Tea which was held in the Show Ring of the Botanical Gardens. A lunchtime official opening ceremony was held yesterday at the City Hall Theatre in Hamilton.

"We are hoping to have good attendance all week,'' said Mr. Hassell.

"Because there are so many organisations on the Island, throughout the month there will be activities -- in fact the events started in May.'' Stay healthy in the heat As seniors move out and about the Island during celebration week activities, health officials warn that it is important to consume plenty of liquids during the summer heat.

And for seniors especially, it is essential that they drink six to eight cups of fluid a day.

"Bermuda's high humidity holds heat, especially during the peak hours of the day,'' explained Government nutritionist Cymone Hollis. "Seniors are vulnerable to heat exposure that can lead to heat stroke or dehydration.'' Ms Hollis said seniors were particularly susceptible to dehydration because of their use of diuretics or other medications, their high consumption of tea or coffee and the fact that aging naturally decreases the sensation for thirst.

Additionally, seniors often live alone and have to cope with a physical disability which makes it hard to get around, and they tend to live in poorly ventiliated homes, which also contributes to their vulnerability to dehydration.

According to Ms Hollis, unless a senior has a medical condition that restricts liquid intake, they should be drinking between six to eight cups of fluids, in small amounts, throughout the day.

She also suggests that the elderly suck on ice cubes to keep their mouths moist and cool and substitute cool water for coffee, tea or alcohol.

And for those who have limited mobility, she recommends that care takers place a water jug by their patient's bedside.

What's on for Senior Citizens' Week Tuesday, June 6: Slide Presentation by Sharon Wilson in the City Hall Theatre in Hamilton; Wednesday, June 7: Jazz concert at Victoria Park (rain venue City Hall) from noon to 3 p.m.; Thursday, June 8: Health and Family Services Minister Nelson Bascome Jr. will be interviewed about Government Services for seniors on the People's Show from 1 to 3 p.m.; Friday, June 9: Seniors Annual Picnic at Shelly Bay from 10.30 to 3 p.m.; Saturday, June 10: Westmeath Gala of Entertainment and Tea from 2 to 4 p.m.

RSVP to Elizabeth Wingate, today, tomorrow and Thursday at 295-4344 or 295-2451; and Sunday, June 11: Divine Services will be held in churches throughout the Island honouring elders.