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Ideas for Bermuda

Dear Sir, My wife and I recently returned from our fourth late winter vacation in Bermuda. Each time we have visited we have left with the highest regard for your Island society. We have watched with pleasure and appreciation the transformation of your Airport to its present convenient and attractive arrival and departure facilities. The already positive impression might be further enhanced by Bermudian art, photography and posters and some potted plants in the walkway from the plane to Immigration. The two-man combo which played to arriving passengers was as unexpected and pleasing as it was mood setting.

The Immigration hall is pleasant, the procedures efficient, the officials welcoming. The abundance of clean modern taxis is an appreciated benefit.

The cleanliness of Island roads, the absence of litter, even on Reid Street, is to be admired. Making Reid Street a pedestrian precinct, as is being considered, would be an attraction for tourists especially if Rudy's Bistro and the Bakery provided street cafe m service. Your bus and ferry services are a model of punctuality. The travel passes are very convenient and fairly priced. We appreciated the free passes when the temperature failed to reach 68 degrees Fahrenheit, particularly since this year we encountered a week of cool blustery days. Of particular note is the courtesy of the bus drivers who, without exception, waited until all passengers were seated before resuming the journey. It would further help tourists if the names of South Shore beaches were called out as they were reached. We found the safe driving, helpfulness and friendliness of taxi drivers commendable, while service staff in stores and restaurants universally cheerful. Most impressive was the behaviour and politeness of the school children we encountered in large numbers on the buses.

I cannot conclude without saying how much we appreciated the personal attention we were given by the owners and staff of the excellent Royal Palms hotel where we have stayed each year.

Bermuda is a gem of an island with a society to be proud of. We wish you success in your endeavours to maintain racial harmony, to minimise the problem of drugs and crime and to retain the civility, gentleness and graciousness which keeps us coming back.