Vanishing holly graces Trust's 1998 Christmas card
Holly' for this year's Christmas card.
"The proceeds from the sale of our card will go towards the Trust's support of open spaces,'' says Patsy Phillips who chairs the Trust's Waterville shop, Trustworthy.
"Sadly, Bermuda holly has become a rare sight in Bermuda. The Trust continues to purchase open space to preserve endemic plants.
"Holly used to grow in great abundance all over the Knapton Hill area, but with the amount of building, this plant -- and so many others -- are finding it very hard to survive in our fast-becoming suburban island.'' Watercolourist Mrs. Proctor, who specialises in painting Bermuda's plants and flowers, agrees that this beautiful old plant is now almost extinct.
"I searched all over the Island for Bermuda holly and couldn't find any, so I would like to thank Mrs. Nell Johnston who eventually found a clump for me to paint and Mrs. Freda Chappell who confirmed that it was indeed the real thing!'' The National Trust cards are now on sale at Trustworthy and other stores around the Island.