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Facelift for La Coquille

BUEI installed air conditioning and had the ceiling of La Coquille insulated at a cost of $600,000.The Little Venice Group, who operate La Coquille, spent a further $250,000 in renovating the restaurant.

Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI).

BUEI installed air conditioning and had the ceiling of La Coquille insulated at a cost of $600,000.

The Little Venice Group, who operate La Coquille, spent a further $250,000 in renovating the restaurant. Improvements included a new bar area the creation of a lounge section and new furnishings.

The restaurant was closed for lunch over the summer as the renovations were underway. Air conditioning became a necessity according to the restaurant's executive chef Serge Botelli, who said that customers were unable to sit and have lunch in comfort.

"We re-opened La Coquille with air conditioning that we didn't have before and that was a big minus especially with the business community,'' he said.

"I know for a fact that a lot of people had stopped coming because of the heat.'' La Coquille undergoes renovation Cooler and more comfortable inside the restaurant, patrons of La Coquille will also be able to take advantage of a free shuttle boat service between the restaurant dock and Albouy's Point.

"We think the harbour shuttle service is very unique,'' said Belinda Barbieri, of the Little Venice Group.

"It is an opportunity for the business community to have a different way of bringing their clients to lunch especially if they are overseas clients. It's a great way for them to see the Island by water. Also it is great for the tourists and for everyone in general to be on the water,'' she added.

The shuttle is a customised covered barge but service will only operate if weather conditions are favourable. Diners planning to use it are strongly advised to check with the restaurant both to reserve a seat on the boat and to ensure that it is running.

The boat has 25 seats and the seven minute ride will leave Albouy's Point at 12.15, 12.45, and 1.15. Return trips from La Coquille to Albouy's Point will take place at 1.30, 2.00, and 2.45.

With the renovations complete Mr. Botelli said a new menu has come into effect both at lunch and for dinner.

"We will be offering a business lunch special with three courses, an appetiser, main course and desert,'' he said.

"You don't see many places doing this anymore. I see restaurants offering a daily special, but that is just as a main course,'' he added.

The lunch special will be offered in addition to the regular a la carte menu.

Taking advantage of the freshest available produce, Mr. Botelli announced that a dinner surprise special would be on offer every night.

"We will change this menu every night and we won't know until the last minute what it will be,'' he said, "because we want to take advantage of the freshest produce available that day.

"We will require an entire table to have the special or else the timing of the service will not work out well,'' he added.

La Coquille is situated on the lower floor of BUEI overlooking Hamilton Harbour. The restaurant has a staff of 25 and opens for lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch.

Float to lunch: This customised barge will run as a free shuttle between La Coquille and Albouy's Point on weekday lunch hours. The service is on a trial basis for a month but could be extended. The ride will take between 7 and ten minutes.