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Angelo Pimental graduates

Angelo Michael Pimental graduated from the University of Northumbria, England on July 16, 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in International Business Studies. Michael is the son of Angelo and Joy Pimental. Attending the graduation ceremonies from Bermuda were his parents, brother Chris and grandfather Dr. Clarence Terceira. Michael is grateful for the love and support of his friends, particularly Nicola Hamilton and Alastair Lang. Michael attended Saltus Grammar School in Bermuda and Lakefield College School in Ontario, Canada before attending university in England. Michael's four year degree programme required him to complete his third year studies abroad for a semester and complete a work term for the remainder of the year. As a result, Michael attended Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado and worked for Fidelity International Limited of Bermuda. Michael has accepted a position with Fidelity International Limited in their legal department for approximately a year at which time he plans to travel before continuing with his Master's Degree.