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Birthday girl shows New York spirit

Big-hearted Khylah Rogers is leading by example after raising $250 for the families of lost and injured New York City police officers following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Instead of receiving the usual birthday gifts, the Saltus Primary School pupil asked friends joining in her celebratory bash last weekend to donate money, which is to be passed on to the Foundation of International Associations of Chiefs of Police.

Her mother Alana Rogers, of Whale Bay Road, Southampton, said Khylah had closely followed the events in the US over the last couple of weeks and felt she wanted to do something to help for her ninth birthday.

Mrs. Rogers said: "Instead of presents she asked for donations. We did not prompt her at all, but I think she is quite a sensitive child and caring towards others and just felt that she wanted to do something. We are very proud of her."

Khylah said she did not expect to raise as much as she did, but was very grateful to all of her friends who gave.

She added: "A boy thought of the idea, and I thought it would be nice if I could do it.

"I didn't think I was going to get a lot of money, so I was very pleased when I got this much.

"I thought what happened was very sad and I thought it was cruel for them to do that. I just wanted to help them."