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Dillas snapped up by Cougars

Jarryd Dillas: Four-year scholarship at Columbus State University.
"When I met coach Immelman there was something about him I liked and I really wanted the chance to work with him. I spent an afternoon playing a few holes with him and one of the players on the team and hearing more about the programme and about his goals and sharing my goals," recalled the former Saltus Grammar School student, speaking to <I>The Royal Gazette</I> yesterday from Florida where he attends the David Leadbetter Golf Academy.

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"When I met coach Immelman there was something about him I liked and I really wanted the chance to work with him. I spent an afternoon playing a few holes with him and one of the players on the team and hearing more about the programme and about his goals and sharing my goals," recalled the former Saltus Grammar School student, speaking to The Royal Gazette yesterday from Florida where he attends the David Leadbetter Golf Academy.

In addition to being taken by Columbus' environs and staff, Dillas was also keen to be in the southern USA where golf can be played year-round.

The university's view of the Bermudian was clearly mutual and Immelman quickly realised why his friend Chris Garland of Mid Ocean Golf Club had recommended he "look at" the 17-year-old.

"Obviously Jarryd has tremendous physical talent but what particularly impressed me was his attitude and his work ethic. I really felt he could be a boon to our programme and that he would fit nicely into the mix.

"I had visions of what I was looking for in recruits and Jarryd matched my profile. He's a very good golfer and a nice approachable young man. I expect him to have a noteworthy career as a Cougar golfer. He will be playing against the country's best collegiate golfers."

Immelman, the brother of European Tour golfer Trevor Immelman, is a relatively new coach at Columbus where he inherited a team. However, as of next fall, he will have a squad which he has chosen and his ambition is to propel the Cougars up the collegiate rankings. They are currently 35th in the NCAA's Division 2.

"Coach Immelman is looking to win a national championship within the four years I will be attending the school so that's very promising. He has high goals for the team and I have high goals for the team and for myself as well. I think it will be a good match," noted Dillas.

While his Cougars' playing days are still some way in the distance, the teen's immediate focus is getting comfortable with his new swing.

Despite the fact that he has been reaping rapid success on the greens, his coach detected some flaws and has made adjustments to Dillas' swing.

"I was very comfortable with the way things were but my coach taped my swing and saw a few things he didn't like - things that needed a little tweaking. We made some changes with my set-up, trying to get the club a bit more square throughout my swing.

"It's been pretty hard. I played in a tournament last weekend and I struggled a bit, finished 29th.

"Changes take time and I think the fact that it's gotten worse before it gets better means I am doing it right. My coach says it's looking good and things are just starting to come around now."

Hopefully, it will be completely right soon as Dillas, now enrolled at Bradenton Academy, has a hectic year-end ahead. He competes in the Doral Publix Junior Championships from December 21 to 23 in Miami before representing Bermuda in the Orange Bowl Junior Championships in Coral Gables between December 27 and 30. He flies home on New Year's Eve to defend his title in the Fecchio Cup on January 2 and 3 at Riddell's Bay Golf Club.

He has already enjoyed a very good year finishing fifth at the Future Masters and eighth at the Junior World Golf Championship. In addition, he was third individually in the State Championships while helping Bradenton to second in the team competition.