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When will Govt stand up for us against the unions

Hundreds of Bermuda Industrial Union members gather outside union headquarters before embarking on a marched through the streets of Hamilton during lunchtime yesterday. (Photo by Akil Simmons)

February 6, 2014

Dear Sir,

I actually write this to direct it to the Minister of Home Affairs, The Hon. Michael Fahy. It is high time that the government minister in this position stand up for the people and do what is right. The Bermuda Industrial Union continues to ignore the laws and regulations regarding industrial action as set forth by the Labour Relations Act 1975. The act clearly states (on Page 25 if anyone is interested in looking it up on the Government website) that a strike is unlawful if it is furthering a dispute other than that of those participating in it. In layman’s terms, it is illegal for the bus drivers to strike because of a dispute between Fairmont and Hotel workers. It is illegal for teachers to go on strike because of something happening to Marine and Ports workers. Etc.

The situation in Bermuda is getting ridiculous and if the BIU are allowed to do whatever they please, unchecked, and are not held accountable for their actions, it will continue to get worse. I have no issue with the right to assemble, the right to bargain as a collective, the right to have representation or the right to take action to defend one’s livelihood. Long have modern societies deemed these rights to be critical in the workplace.

However, all actions taken with respect to labour relations should be done in accordance with the law. We continue to see the laws of this country blatantly ignored and it’s time to end that. The OBA need to do what the BIU claim to be doing and STAND UP FOR THE PEOPLE!

Justin Brangman
