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Put the trash outDecember 12, 2007Dear Sir,

Put the trash out

December 12, 2007

Dear Sir,

Re: The current election

I regret having to write about the above matter.

The malice, distortion and unnecessary lies surrounding the current campaign is the worst, most disgusting, disappointing and embarrassing that I have seen and likely to do more harm than good.

I tend to stay out of politics but have had to deal with politicians all of my professional life. At any point in time I have had dealings with all of them.

To name a few, Sir Henry Tucker, Sir Edward Richards, Sir John Swan from the UBP and Dame Lois, Walter Robinson, Frederick Wade (a first cousin) from the PLP and numerous others.

I was educated to manage people with problems rather than specific diseases. In doing so you have to ascertain their background, their character, their morality, humanity and in some cases their religious beliefs.

All of the above politicians were people of merit, were honest, ethical and all had an air of decency and moral fibre. I cannot for a moment picture any of the above named being part of the trash we are seeing today masquerading as a political campaign.

I have been reading some of the insightful ideas of Robert Stewart and a lot of what he says makes sense.

I have seen some of the proposals with respect to employment taxes and they make sense.

Bermuda is incredibly expensive, my electricity bill I would dare to say is higher than the monthly income around the world.

I tend to vote for the person and not the party, and in my constituency, the challengers, have impeccable high value credentials and I am conflicted by having to decide between a fraternity brother and a well educated opponent.

I wish all politicians would take the trash and put it out in the garbage where it belongs.

I am hopeful that all Bermudians will look at each candidate and vote for candidates who have the best ideas, best ethics, and the best drive to get us out of this quagmire.


City of Hamilton

Couldn't believe my eyes

December 11, 2007

Dear Sir,

I was appalled when I read in today's newspaper comments quoted from Lovitta Foggo's speech at the PLP rally held in St. George's.

How can a member of Bermuda's education system spout such vile comments in this the 21st Century?!!! As a young Bermudian with a Master's Degree and a good job, also in the education system, I was amazed that someone could still think in such a way and yet call themselves educated!

It is so so sad that she will probably be voted in by voters strictly voting along party lines rather than taking a moment to really see where she is coming from. We do not need people in Government who feel this way. Government is supposed to be for the people, good representatives of all people, voted in to look out for the best interests of all people not based on such uneducated, biased, stereotypical drivel such as what came out of her mouth.

I really fear for the future of Bermuda if this is the acceptable platform that the PLP is going into this election with. What happens to us, the educated, positive thinking, forward looking, tolerant, broadminded, forgiving members of Bermudian society?

We are going to be led by narrow-minded, prejudiced, intolerant, backward thinking, biased members of Government who want us to be stuck in the past where the majority of us do not want to be.

I end with this quote that I feel sums up the PLP party line based on fear: "Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd" Bertrand Russell (wisdomquotes.com)

Progressive should be removed from the party name!



Automatically racist

December 11, 2007

Dear Sir,

I'm very pleased that the Progressive Labour Party brought back that extra garbage day when they first came to power. We need all the days we can get to dispose of all the garbage that is coming out of the mouths of their candidates.

I must remember to wear a white hood and carry chains when I go to vote at Clearwater School. I'd hate to disappoint Ms Lovitta Foggo for after all, I'm white which automatically makes me a racist.


St. David's

Shades of the past

December 13, 2007

Dear Sir,

Ms. Lovitta Foggo, the PLP's candidate for Constituency 3, is quoted as saying at the PLP rally held earlier this week "that our people and our children know that a UBP vote is a vote back to the plantation."

I guess our children know this because she is a teacher at one of Bermuda's oldest and finest schools.

Mr. Editor, would you please allow me to refer your readers who haven't seen this to a letter dated 15 February, 1978 from the then Governor, Sir Peter Ramsbotham to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, made public under the UK Freedom of Information Act.

He states "…the attitudes which it is most important to change are those of the PLP's present leaders. They consider that, as their party draws support from the majority community here, they have a moral right to power…

They are unwilling to believe that the electorate might have rejected them for their own deficiencies or excesses… They also, much more dangerously, tend to regard any black who joins…the UBP as a traitor to his race, and, conversely, the handful of PLP whites as honorary blacks."

Mr Editor, there is no typo here the above was written in 1978. How sad is it that this commentary is still accurate today ?

To paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, if we (that is all the people of Bermuda) continue to permit the PLP to drag the past into the present, we shall find that we have lost our future.

We have a chance to save our future on December 18. Vote UBP.


Hamilton South

Christmas coming early

December 10, 2007

Dear Sir,

I now understand why the Premier decided to have the election just before Christmas – it's a Santa Claus election. We're being offered all sorts of ever-increasingly expensive gifts: sanity flies out of the window.



Drs. Brown and Gordon

December 10, 2007

Dear Sir,

Bermuda is very fortunate to have as its Leader of Government at this period of its history, the Honourable Dr. Ewart F. Brown. There are so many similarities between him and Dr. E.F. Gordon. The face; the initials; the careers; the mental strength; the vision for Bermuda and the list goes on, but here is one more; their opponents. It is a tragedy that their strength is viewed by some as a handicap.

Dr. Brown is a man of international stature. He can stand on stage with any world leader today and make Bermuda proud. He is articulate, creative and innovative. We all know that he is a man of action. He gets things done. They say that a good leader must always be ahead of everyone else; and that is the Doctor...He even has me 'buckling up' which I was not in favour of. I felt it could be encouaged but not mandatory in Bermuda. I am surprised that I am not having any problem with it now that it is mandataory. Dr. Brown is most certainly, the man for the job. Trust me on this.



PLP needs more time

December 5, 2007

Dear Sir,

It took 30 years to create garbage?

It is not going to take the PLP nine years to clean it up. First of all the UBP want to take 84 people off the voter registry in Devonshire trying to take our votes, what else are they trying to take away, our rights. Our educational system is a mess and they took away our Technical Institute. Now there are less of our young people graduating. The UBP should have listened to the people when they changed the system or left it alone, they created it.

Yes, we all have scandals, like when Dunkley's mother was committing fraud by taking money out of the country and she got a slap on the wrist. Now about the men who were bringing the drugs in Dunkley's Dairy containers. This was a scandal.

There are always complaining about Dr. Brown and his Cabinet Ministers spending all this money on overseas trips. How much money do you think the UBP spent while they were in power? Start calculating! The UBP are pushing their black members out front to achieve their goals and do their dirty work. Just as the Forty Thieves way back then. They are nothing but wolves in sheep's clothing. They want our votes and they are hypocrites.

Bermuda watch and see what they will do if they were to get in power. Change our airport name because they did not want it to be named after Bermuda Hero L. Frederick Wade. The UBP want to take away Government Channel, our May 24th holiday that honours The Hon. Dame Lois Browne-Evans and other heroes. But they don't want that either. They will change everything that the PLP has put in place.

Please don't vote for them. Dunkley and the UBP are all for themselves. He is trying so hard to compete against Dr. Brown rather than competing for the people of Bermuda. There is much more to say but I'll leave it at that. I suggest other members of the community to say what's on your mind.

To the people of Bermuda. If you don't want to go back. I suggest you vote PLP. Solid! Solid as the Rock.



Smith video unbelievable

December 10, 2007

Dear Sir,

After watching the video of Larry Smith, I can only say that if Michael Dunkley is involved in drugs, then the Pope is not Catholic!

Is it not ironic that the PLP Government has consistently refused to be drug tested during their nine years of power. I understand that the UBP will bring in legislation to make it compulsory, for all elected representatives to be drug tested. I am in favour of that! Matter of fact, we should have it before we vote! We have drug testing in sports, so what's the big deal? What's good for the goose is good for the gander! But remember, the PLP has one rule for us, and one for them.

Can't wait for December 18.