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Letters to the Editor

Failed waste managementOctober 19, 2010Dear Sir,

Failed waste management

October 19, 2010

Dear Sir,

I have badgered at least four past Cabinet Ministers of Works and Engineering about how their departments continue a failed system of waste management and waste disposal. I am asking the present Minister Mr. Burgess the same questions. Can't anyone at the Ministry understand that when the workers cut the branches and pile the waste, the pile needs to be picked up and disposed of at the same time? Go down Middle Road near the Deputy Governor's house. It's the same old mess it was under the UBP. We don't need the trucks down the road which only pick up the piles the next day or next week! Mr. Editor this is not rocket science. The PLP knows how to pick up the trash, why not agricultural waste along the roads?

While we are on the subject of waste, Mr. Editor, why has the Deputy Governor been moved into a new house over this last year? Works and Engineering are still maintaining the house and the house uses all sorts of expensive electricity at night with no one home! I know this because I walk by there at all sorts of hours just checking things out. The country is facing financial cutbacks for the poor in this country so let us make sure the civil service and the workers are doing the most efficient job.


City of Hamilton

Thanks, and kudos too!

October 29, 2010

Dear Sir,

After spending a number of days recently, most concerned by the loss of a small wallet containing my Special person's card, Bermuda driver's license, credit card and numerous health insurance, medical, pharmaceutical cards together with a sum of money close to $100, I received a telephone call round 8.30 a.m. on Thursday, 28th October from a senior employee at Lindo's Family Food Store in Warwick, advising me that the wallet had been found in the store.

Needless to say I was delighted to receive this wallet containing all of its original contents, especially the documents which allow me to lead a generally trouble-free life. As yet I have been unable to persuade anyone associated with the safe return of the wallet and contents to tell me who turned it in, but I do hope to show my gratitude by contributing to some worthy cause as soon as possible. However, at this time I should like to thank most sincerely any staff members of the Lindo's Family Food Store who were in any way responsible for easing my concern. In these troubled times, such honesty helps to restore my faith in human nature.



A note of thanks

October 22, 1010

Dear Sir,

The Committee of Management of the Lady Cubitt Compassionate Association (LCCA) extends sincere thanks and gratitude to all members of our community who generously donated to our Annual Tag Day fund-raiser, held on September 17, 2010. In spite of the economic challenges that we are all experiencing at this time the community continues to support the LCCA and we sincerely appreciate all donations received.

We thank our many volunteers who willingly gave their time to facilitate the success of our fund-raising efforts. special thanks are extended to our volunteers from the service organisations, and to those volunteers who, throughout the day, assisted with the collection of buckets and counting of the proceeds. We also thank the businesses and establishments who gave us permission to sell or tags on their premises. The total amount of $14,910.50 raised from this event will be utilised in our General Assistance Program for the benefit of the elderly, children and the less fortunate members of our community. These proceeds allow the LCCA to continue to carry out the ideals and philosophy of our founder. Once again, thank you to everyone for your support.


Executive Director

The importance of character

October 18, 2010

Dear Sir,

How important is the character and quality of a nation's leaders? Extremely important, according to Isaiah. At the time when Isaiah 3 was given, the nation probably was prospering under the wise godly leadership of King Uzziah (c.792-740BC) or his successor King Jotham (c.750-735BC).

However Isaiah foresaw a time when God would remove the better leaders (Is 3:1-3), leaving behind mere "babes" who would have no experience in running the institutions of society and no respect for the wisdom of the past. As a result, these "children" would become selfish oppressors (Is. 3:4&5) who would run roughshod over the needs of the poor. (3:14-15).

That happened when Jerusalem fell to Babylon (587BC, 2nd Kings 25:11-12, & 22-26), though no one can say that exhausted the fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy. The lesson is that a leadership vacuum leads to public crisis. That being the case, we a God's people today do well to prevent that kind of vacuum from forming by:

* Recruiting and appointing the best people available, leaders of high moral character and outstanding leaderships;

* Appropriately paying and rewarding people for their public service;

* Supporting leaders and working together with them in their efforts to promote good government and prevent social, economic, and moral deterioration;

* Praying for leaders as they exercise their authority;

* Raising up and training our children to be outstanding leaders for the coming generation.



Masterpiece of cover-up

October 25, 2010

Dear Sir,

That statement made by the Finance Minister and Deputy Premier Ms Paula Cox in response to the Auditor General's special report on the construction of the TCD and the Testing Centres, is a masterpiece of 'cover-up' and shifting of blame to the Civil Servants. Many would have preferred the Minister of Finance to admit that this all happened on her watch. She has to share the greater part of the blame for such crass governance. As Minister of Finance does she not pay the bills? Examine the phrases used in the response: "The Office of the Auditor General recommendations highlight areas of improvement to further improve value for money" i.e. moves to future and does not admit the shady governance that has already happened.

Her next paragraph as quoted by The Royal Gazette was brilliant: "The review of the regime has considered the framework that exists for procurement, tendering, contract award and management of capital projects, with a view to introducing enhancements." Wake up Madame Minister, these have all been adequately in place for decades but you and your Premier chose to ignore them.

Another quote: "The aim is to ensure that public sector governance standards for capital projects meet or exceed international best practice." Again where were you while all of the above was ignored?

Her report goes on to further shift the blame. "The accounting responsibilities for capital projects lie with the Works and Engineering Permanent Secretary. He has an obligation to ensure that proper consultation with the head of the client department is maintained throughout all phases of a project." Please tell us, Madam Minister, how he was to carry this out, when your Premier bypassed W&E and gave his own Ministry of Transport, the responsibility for the construction of the new TCD building and the testing centres?

The last paragraph is another masterpiece of cover-up. "The intent is to clarify and insert amendments to Financial Instructions to remove any latent ambiguity so that it is even more clearly stipulated that the Ministry of Works and Engineering will have the overriding authority." This was very fancy footwork to pretend that the Financial Instructions were not in place. Wake up Minister of Finance. Instructions and terms of best practice have been in place for decades!


Humility is not weakness

October 21, 2010

Dear sir,

I would like to share my comments on the Grand Slam. It was a great tournament and the players were of a very high competitive spirit. The weather cooperated and so did the spectators and myself being one enjoyed it very much. More than that my chosen player won. They all had to dig deep in their field of golf knowledge to try to over power the layout of Port Royal. I enjoyed reading their comments and I do believe that they would like to have spent more time playing the golf course. But with their busy schedules it could not be so. But I am very glad they had the experience of sunshine and then some wind. Ernie (Big Easy) Els certainly showed his prowess and knowledge of the game and pulled off the shots when he needed to. Great game Ernie, and congratulations. Travelling mercies be with all of you as you make you way home.

Now having said that, let us look at the poor taste that the Premier showed if anyone noticed. He did not have that big grin on his face that is so common. If you were paying attention he played a small part. Did you notice who lifted the Trophy and presented it to Ernie? He looked on with a face of humility and to show his humiliation he did not fit Ernie into the Pink Jacket he passed it to him. What a shame on the Premier, but blessings be upon him as he makes his exit.

God's word is still true about he who exalts himself. In the book of Matthew 23: 12 reads "and whosoever shall exhort himself shall be abased (to behave in such a way that lowers your sense of dignity or self esteem)" and again in the book of Luke reads "for whosoever exalted himself shall be abased (that word again), and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted". The scripture is taken from the King James version. I would like to remind the readers that being humble is not a sign of weakness it is a sign of inner strength that only God can give. If you know the Lord as your saviour you will truly find strength in your hour of weakness. May God Bless you all and have a great day.

As a footnote to the new Premier remember: When your outgoing is bigger than your income your upkeep will be your downfall. Be cautious with spending, because the present Premier has already overspent. Excuse me, but one thing that I did not understand is why was there no water coolers o n the course. The golf course is a separate entity from the 64 Degrees Restaurant. So whose idea was it to remove the water coolers? Someone has to come with some answers as to why they were not in place?

