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Church to honour former school students

Derrick Burgess

The Hamilton Seventh-Day Adventist Church expects teachers and students of the former Cunningham Boys School, Churchill and Robert Crawford schools to be in attendance at its 11 a.m. community guest day service on November 22, when eight former students will receive awards for their valuable contributions to the community.

The honourees are: Derrick V. Burgess, Minister of Works and Engineering; Pastor Ronald Smith of the First Church of God on Angle Street, building contractor Walter (Vince) Greene, former professional footballer Clyde Best, Chief Fire Officer Vincent Hollinsid, funeral director David Augustus, Assistant Police commissioner Carlton Adams, and BIU president Chris Furbert.

During the awards presentation service, Pastor Marlon Tyrone Perkins, Sr., of the Philadelphia Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Des Moines, Iowa, will be the guest speaker. Pastor Perkins, whose Bermudian wife is the former Shurla Ratteray of Sandys parish, will also address the congregation on Thursday and Friday, November 20 and 21, as well as at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on November 22.

A church spokesperson noted that the former boys' schools located on the site of the present CedarBridge Academy had a stigma of pre-destined failure attached to its name and its students' achievements, which time had disproved.

"It is apparent that many students who attended either one of the schools, like the eight awardees, have made a significant contribution to our community, and have encouraged our young men (to believe) that hard work, commitment and persistance will always guarantee success," the spokesperson said. "These men truly believed in their school's motto, 'Aim High', and have kept it alive for the next generation."

For further information, telephone Clarence Symonds at 278-5361 days or 236-1021 (home), or fax 293-2902.